歌词 "From My Hands" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

From My Hands



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

So much I've thought 这么多,我想

I'd have to say 我不得不说,

Though I try to speak 虽然我尽量放慢说话

My meaning strays 我的意思流浪狗

We can't avoid 我们不能避免

The facts that brought us here 这把我们带到这里的事实

I've come to say goodbye 我是来道别


The lies I try 我尝试的谎言

To tell with my own eyes 告诉我自己的眼睛

An act of pride 骄傲的行为

A wilful compromise 一个有决心的妥协

Please understand 请理解

How torn I am 如何撕裂我

When I walk away from here 当我从这里走开


I lament 我感慨

The moments we won't share 我们不会分享的时刻

If I am far too sentimental, I apologize 如果我太多愁善感,我道歉

Please understand 请理解

This is who I am 这是我是谁

And who'll I'll still be 和谁就会我还是会

When I've walked away from here 当我走到离这里


You know I'm not unkind 你知道,我不是不厚道

When I say 当我说

In the future 在未来

The past is just the past 过去就是过去

No going back 没有回头路

No change of heart 心脏没有变化

But this is now 但是,这是现

Time will not defer 时间不会推迟


My thoughts betray 我的想法背叛

So easily confess 这么容易承认

How long I'll wait here 我要等多久这里

After you have gone 当你走了

Nothing ends 没有结束

But I won't believe that now 但我不会相信,现在

Please don't walk away from here 请不要从这里走开


And when alone 而独处的时候

When I remember days 当我还记得天

Nothing will change 什么都不会改变

A single fact of who you were to me 你是我的谁的单个事实

Oh come what may 哦,不管发生什么

Forever to the end 永远到端

I find it so hard to let you go 我觉得让你走这么难


Hush now 现在嘘

Let it go now 现在,它去吧

There's no need 有没有必要

For sad goodbyes 对于悲伤的告别


Hush now 现在嘘

Let it go now 现在,它去吧

I know it's time to go 我知道这是时间去

Time to let this fall 时间让这个秋天

From my hands 从我手中

歌词 From My Hands 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/from-my-hands/