歌词 "French Pedicure" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

French Pedicure



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

French pedicure in the air 法国修脚在空气

French pedicure 法国修脚


French pedicure in the air, it's plain to see that you like 'em there 法国修脚在空气中,这是显而易见的,你喜欢他们有

It's never too much, yearning your touch 这是永远不嫌多,你渴望触摸

French pedicure in the air, it's plain to see that you like 'em there 法国修脚在空气中,这是显而易见的,你喜欢他们有

Love is beautiful also physical 爱是美丽的身体也


I been thinking of ways to make you fantasize about me 我一直在想办法让你幻想着我

I been thinking of moves, the pressure I put upon your body 我一直在想动作,我把对你的身体的压力

When I demonstrate girl, you're extremely over excited 当我表现出的女孩,你感到非常兴奋过

But don't hyperventilate just relax please, baby invite it 但是不要过度换气放松请,婴儿邀请它


All the faces you make when I'm off in it 你让我在这很掉脸

Got me pulling your hair girl, let's get ignorant 让我拉你的头发的女孩,让我们无知

Ain't nobody gon' freak you like you know I can 不是没有人会去怪你想知道我可以

Your swagger, your style girl when you smile 你招摇,当你的微笑你的风格的女孩

And I grab your legs and your 和我抢你的腿,你的


French pedicure in the air, it's plain to see that you like 'em there 法国修脚在空气中,这是显而易见的,你喜欢他们有

It's never too much, yearning your touch 这是永远不嫌多,你渴望触摸

French pedicure in the air, it's plain to see that you like 'em there 法国修脚在空气中,这是显而易见的,你喜欢他们有

Love is beautiful also physical 爱是美丽的身体也


French pedicure in the air, it's plain to see that you like 'em there 法国修脚在空气中,这是显而易见的,你喜欢他们有

It's never too much, yearning your touch 这是永远不嫌多,你渴望触摸


I'm digging you out, I'm hitting the spots you like best 我挖你出来,我打你最喜欢的景点

You're tempted to scream, you're digging your nails in my back 你很想尖叫,你挖你的指甲在我的背上

I'm feeling your passion, watching you curl your toes 我感觉你的热情,看着你蜷缩的脚趾

Shaking, convulsing, want you to let go 颤抖,抽搐,要你放手

Let this moment take you on a fantasy voyage 让这一刻带你在幻想之旅


Your temperature's rising as I go downtown 你的温度的上升,因为我去市区

Just when you think it's over here comes another round 当你认为它已经结束了这里来一轮又一轮

The prettiest girl anybody's ever seen 最漂亮的女孩每个人都在见过

Your swagger, your style girl when you smile 你招摇,当你的微笑你的风格的女孩

And I grab your legs and your 和我抢你的腿,你的


French pedicure in the air, it's plain to see that you like 'em there 法国修脚在空气中,这是显而易见的,你喜欢他们有

It's never too much, yearning your touch 这是永远不嫌多,你渴望触摸

French pedicure in the air, it's plain to see that you like 'em there 法国修脚在空气中,这是显而易见的,你喜欢他们有

Love is beautiful also physical 爱是美丽的身体也


French pedicure in the air, it's plain to see that you like 'em there 法国修脚在空气中,这是显而易见的,你喜欢他们有

It's never too much, yearning your touch 这是永远不嫌多,你渴望触摸


It is going down, I'm loving 这是怎么回事了,我爱

Your stroking bed it's rocking like we're on the ocean 你抚摸着它睡觉的摇摆就像我们在海洋

Another round, I'ma show you some of my tricks 一轮又一轮,我是告诉你我的一些技巧

While you're holding my blue stick 当你牵着我的蓝贴


Do you like that? Flowers, candy, chocolates, violins and wine 你喜欢吗?鲜花,糖果,巧克力,小提琴和酒

Did you have a good time? All that 你有一个很好的时间?所有这一切

If you're ready, just lay back, I'll be kissing your thighs 如果你准备好了,就躺在后面,我会亲吻你的大腿

Loving your smile when I grab your legs 爱你的微笑,当我抓住你的腿


French pedicure in the air, it's plain to see that you like 'em there 法国修脚在空气中,这是显而易见的,你喜欢他们有

It's never too much, yearning your touch 这是永远不嫌多,你渴望触摸

French pedicure in the air, it's plain to see that you like 'em there 法国修脚在空气中,这是显而易见的,你喜欢他们有

Love is beautiful also physical 爱是美丽的身体也


French pedicure in the air, it's plain to see that you like 'em there 法国修脚在空气中,这是显而易见的,你喜欢他们有

If it's feeling good let me hear you say 如果它感觉不错,让我听到你说

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh 哦,哦,哦,哦

歌词 French Pedicure 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/french-pedicure/

歌词 French Pedicure 的作者与版权信息:


Myron Lavell Avant


Songs Of Universal Inc., Grindtime Publishing