歌词 "Free" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Violin playing] [小提琴演奏]


So we live in our old van 所以,我们生活在我们的老车

Travel all across this land 在这片土地的所有旅行

Me and you 我和你


We'll end up hand in hand 我们最终会手牵手

Somewhere down on the sand 在沙滩上某处

Just me and you 只有我和你


Just as free 正如自由

Free as we'll ever be 免费的,我们将永远是

Just as free 正如自由

Free as we'll ever be 免费的,我们将永远是


We drive until the city lights 我们开车到城市的灯光

Dissolve into a country sky 溶解成一个国家的天空

Just me and you 只有我和你


Lay underneath the harvest moon 莱秋月下方

Do all the things that lovers do 做所有的事情,做恋人

Just me and you 只有我和你


Just as free 正如自由

Free as we'll ever be 免费的,我们将永远是

Just as free 正如自由

Free as we'll ever be 免费的,我们将永远是

Ever be 永远


No we don't have a lot of money 不,我们并没有很多的钱

No we don't have a lot of money 不,我们并没有很多的钱

No we don't have a lot of money 不,我们并没有很多的钱

All we need is love 我们所需要的是爱


We're free as we'll ever be 我们是自由的,我们会永远

Just as free 正如自由

Free as we'll ever be 免费的,我们将永远是

Ever be 永远


So we live in our old van 所以,我们生活在我们的老车

Travel all across this land 在这片土地的所有旅行

Me and you 我和你

歌词 Free 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/free-78/

歌词 Free 的作者与版权信息:


Zac Brown, John Ciafone, Ultra Nate Wyche


Reach Music Publishing O.B.O. Weimerhound Publishing, Connor Ryan Music Inc., Jessica Michael Music Inc.