歌词 "Four Days" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Four Days



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

All I want is something good 我要的是好东西

It gets harder every time 更难每次得到

She is leaving here tonight 她今晚离开这里

take a breath 喘口气

take your time 慢慢来

spread your wings and rise 展开你的翅膀上升

Make a mark upon the wall 在墙壁上做标记

Paint your face and pass the time 画你的脸和打发时间

Close your eyes as she ascends 闭上你的眼睛,她上升

Hold your breath and ease your mind 屏住呼吸,缓解你的心

Forty thousand times 四万次

Time ...fades into the night 时间的流逝消失在夜色中

They descend and then they climb 他们下降,然后又爬

Feathers falling through the night 羽毛掉落在夜间

Have you seen Ohio rise? 你见过俄亥俄州崛起?

It has been four days and nights 它已经四天四夜

All I want is something fine 我要的就是精致的东西

It gets harder every time 更难每次得到

She is sleeping far away 她正在睡觉远

Take a breath 喘口气

take your time 慢慢来

Spread your wings and rise 展开你的翅膀上升

Rise into the black Ohio skies 上升到黑色的天空俄亥俄州

歌词 Four Days 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/four-days/

歌词 Four Days 的作者与版权信息:


Adam Fredric Duritz, Daniel John Vickrey, Charles Thomas Gillingham, Ben G. Mize, David Lynn Bryson, Matthew Mark Malley


Jones Falls Music