歌词 "Foreign Affair" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Foreign Affair


歌词相关歌手:TOM WAITS

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

when travelling abroad in the continental style 在欧陆风格的国外旅行的时候

it's my belief one must attempt to be discreet 这是我的信念,你必须尝试要谨慎

and subsequently bear in mind your transient position 随后牢记您的瞬态位置

allows you a perspective that's unique 让您有一个观点那是唯一

though you'll find your itinerary's a blessing and a curse 虽然你会发现你的行程是一个祝福和诅咒

your wanderlust won't let you settle down 您癖不会让你安定下来

and you'll wonder how you ever fathomed that you'd be content 你会不知道怎么过揣摩,你会知足

to stay within the city limits of a small midwestern town 住在一个小城镇中西部的城市范围

most vagabonds i knowed don't ever want to find the culprit 大多数流浪一点我还知道永远不要想找到元凶

that remains the object of their long relentless quest 这仍然是他们长期不懈的追求对象

the obsession's in the chasing and not the apprehending 痴迷的,在追逐,而不是逮捕

the pursuit you see and never the arrest 你看到的追求和永不逮捕


without fear of contradiction bon voyage is always hollered 不用担心矛盾一路顺风总是叫喊

in conjunction with a handkerchief from shore 在离岸边手帕一起

by a girl that drives a rambler and furthermore 一个女孩驱动漫步者,进而

is overly concerned that she won't see him anymore 过于担心,她会不会看到他了

planes and trains and boats and buses 飞机,火车和轮船,公共汽车

characteristically evoke a common attitude of blue 典型唤起蓝色的共同态度

unless you have a suitcase and a ticket and a passport 除非你有一个行李箱和一个机票和护照

and the cargo that they're carrying is you 而且他们携带的货物就是你

a foreign affair juxtaposed with a stateside 外国的事情并列​​了美国本土

and domestically approved romantic fancy 和国内认可的浪漫幻想

is mysteriously attractive due to circumstances knowing 是神秘的吸引力,由于知道的情况下

it will only be parlayed into a memory 它只会豪赌成记忆

歌词 Foreign Affair 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/foreign-affair-2/

歌词 Foreign Affair 的作者与版权信息:


Tom Waits, Thomas Alan Waits


Fifth Floor Music Inc.