歌词 "For Whom The Bell Tolls" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

For Whom The Bell Tolls


歌词相关歌手:BEE GEES

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I stumble in the night 我偶然在夜里

Never really knew what it would've been like 从来没有真正知道它会一直喜欢

You're no longer there to 你不再有来

Break my fall 打破我的秋天

The heartache over you 在你心痛

I gave it everything but I couldn't get through 我给它的一切,但我不能打通

I never saw the signs 我从来没有见过的迹象

You're the last to know when love is blind 你是最后一个知道的,当爱情是盲目的


All the tears and the turbulent years 所有的眼泪和动荡的岁月

When I would not wait for no one 当我不会等待任何人

I didn't stop, take a look at myself 我没有停下来,看看自己

And see me losing you 见我失去你


[CHORUS] [合唱]

When the lonely heart breaks 当孤独的心脏破裂

It's the one that forsakes 这是一个抛弃

It's the dream that we stole 这是我们偷的梦想

And I'm missing you more 我很想念你更多

And the fire that will roar 而火,将咆哮

There's a hole in my soul 有一个在我的灵魂一个洞

For you it's goodbye 对于您,这是再见

And for me it's to cry 而对于我来说,哭

For whom the bell tolls 对于丧钟为谁而鸣


Seen you in a magazine 在杂志上见过你

A picture at a party 一张照片在一个聚会

Where you shouldn't have been 在这里你不应该

Hangin' on the arm of someone else 在别人的手臂上挂着“

I'm still in love with you 我依然爱你

Won't you come back to your little boy blue 你会不会回到你的小男孩蓝色

I've come to feel inside 我来内心的感受

This precious love was never mine 这珍贵的爱情是永不矿

Now I know but a little too late 现在我知道,但有点为时已晚

That I could not live without you 我不能没有你

In the dark of the broad daylight 在光天化日之下的黑暗

I promise I'll be there 我保证我会在那里


[CHORUS] [合唱]


I never knew there'd be times like this 我从来不知道总会有这样的时候

When I couldn't reach out to no one 当我无法接触到任何人

Am I never gonna find someone 我是绝对不会找人

That knows me like you do 它知道我喜欢你做的

Are you leaving me a helpless child 你留下我一个无助的孩子

When it took so long to save me 当了这么久才救我

Fight the devil and the deep blue sea 打魔鬼和深蓝色的大海

I'll follow you anywhere 我会随时随地跟着你

I promise I'll be there 我保证我会在那里



歌词 For Whom The Bell Tolls 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/for-whom-the-bell-tolls-2/

歌词 For Whom The Bell Tolls 的作者与版权信息:


Barry Gibb


Universal Music Publishing Int. Mgb Ltd., Crompton Songs