歌词 "For All We Know" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

For All We Know



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

For all we know we may never meet again 我们都知道,我们可能永远不会再见面

Before you go make this moment sweet again 在你走之前让这甜蜜的时刻再次

We won't say goodnight until the last minute 我们不会说晚安,直到最后一分钟

I'll hold out my hand and my heart will be in it 我会伸出我的手,我的心脏会在这


For all we know this may only be a dream 我们都知道这可能只是一个梦想

We come and go like a ripple on a stream 我们来来去去,就像在一个流的脉动

So love me tonight tomorrow was made for some 所以,爱我明天晚上作了一些

Tomorrow may never come for all we know 明天也许永远不会到来,我们都知道


For all we know this may only be a dream 我们都知道这可能只是一个梦想

We come and go like a ripple on a stream 我们来来去去,就像在一个流的脉动

So love me tonight tomorrow was made for some 所以,爱我明天晚上作了一些

Tomorrow may never come for all we know 明天也许永远不会到来,我们都知道

歌词 For All We Know 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/for-all-we-know-10/

歌词 For All We Know 的作者与版权信息:


Robert Wilson Royer, J. Fred Coots, Sam Lewis, sam M. Lewis, James Arthur Griffin, Fred Karlin, J. Coots


Emi Feist Catalog Inc., Redwood Music Ltd., Songs Of Universal Inc., MCA Music Publishing A.D.O. Universal S, Universal Music Corp., Sis 'N Bro Music Company, Al Gallico Music Corp., Toy Town Tunes Inc.