歌词 "Foolish" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Some people say that I threw my brain away 有人说我把我的大脑离开

That I'm illogical and don't have much to say 我是不合逻辑的,不必多说了

Some people say that it's foolish to believe 有人说,这是愚蠢的相信

In what we cannot see, so we're deceived 在我们看不到的,所以我们被骗


All that I can do is listen to you 所有我能做的就是听你的

All that you can be is out there, you'll see 所有你可以就在那里,你会看到


Every single time that I 每一次,我

Explain to you my reasons why 向你解释我的理由

You turn away; you close your eyes 你走了;你闭上你的眼睛

And then you cut me down to size 然后你把我的威风


Some people say that I threw my vote away 有人说我把我的票走

The moment I decided to live life this way 那一刻,我决定要活得这样

Some people say that it's foolish to believe 有人说,这是愚蠢的相信

In what we cannot see, so we're deceived 在我们看不到的,所以我们被骗

I'm not here to make you all agree 我在这里不是为了让你都同意

But have you truly studied this historically? 但你有没有真正研究过历史?


Every single time that I 每一次,我

Explain to you my reasons why 向你解释我的理由

You turn away; you close your eyes 你走了;你闭上你的眼睛

And then you cut me down to size 然后你把我的威风


Every single time that I 每一次,我

Explain to you my reasons why 向你解释我的理由

You turn away; you close your mind 你走了;你关闭你的心

Your heart's just not prepared to find 你的心脏只是不准备找

Some meaning, some meaning 有些意思,有些意思


Just wait, and listen to that voice 只是等待,听那个声音

It calls so quietly, for you to make a choice 它调用就这样静静,你做出选择

What will it be? What will it be? 会是什么?会是什么?

歌词 Foolish 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/foolish-3/

歌词 Foolish 的作者与版权信息:


Robert S. Kelly, Paul Waaktaar-Savoy, Ashanti S. Douglas


Universal Music - Z Songs, Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Scandinavia) Kb, R. Kelly Publishing Inc., Pookietoots Publishing, Universal Music Corp., Baeza Music LLC