歌词 "Flux" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:BLOC PARTY.

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If your right hand is causing you pain 如果你的右手使你痛苦

Cut it off cut it off 就把它砍下来就砍下来

If your colours have started to run 如果你的颜色已经开始运行

Let them all run, run away from you 让他们都跑,从你离家出走

There is lightning in this room 有闪电在这个房间

Above our heads waiting to strike 在我们头上等待罢工

I'm a thinker not a talker 我是一个思想家不是一个健谈的人

Put your faith, your faith in God 把你的信念,你对上帝的信仰


We were hoping for some romance 我们所希望看到的一些浪漫

All we found was more dispair 我们所发现的是更加气馁

We must talk about our problems 我们必须谈论我们的问题

We are in a state of Flux 我们正处在变化的状态


I'd kill for an adventure 我会杀了一个冒险

Just you and I in the Curzon Bar 只有你和我在寇松律师

Dancing till we knew 跳舞,直到我们知道

So all that we've learnt disappeared 因此,所有我们所学到消失

When you shouted at me 当你冲我喊

I saw my father in the second grade 我看到了我的父亲在二年级

Concerned and kind 关注和亲切

But yet unable to reach me 但是却又无法达成我


We were hoping for some romance 我们所希望看到的一些浪漫

All we found was more dispair 我们所发现的是更加气馁

We must talk about our problems 我们必须谈论我们的问题

We are in a State of Flux 我们正处在变化的状态


State of Flux [x9] 助焊剂的国家[ X9 ]


We need to talk [x5] 我们需要谈谈[ X5 ]


We were hoping for some romance 我们所希望看到的一些浪漫

All we found was more dispair 我们所发现的是更加气馁

We must talk about our problems 我们必须谈论我们的问题

We are in a state of Flux 我们正处在变化的状态

歌词 Flux 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/flux/

歌词 Flux 的作者与版权信息:


Gordon Moakes, Kele Okereke, Russell Lissack, Matt Tong


Emi Music Publishing Ltd.