歌词 "Fish Aren't Biting Today" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Fish Aren't Biting Today



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Take the jib sail down boys take the jib sail down 以吊臂落帆男孩走吊臂向下起航

Turn this ship around boys before we run aground 关闭此船周围的男生,我们搁浅前

The fish aren't bitin' today boys fish aren't bitin' today 这些鱼并不是bitin “今天的男生鱼不bitin ”今天

I'm gonna lay on my bunk and get drunk as a sunk cause the fish aren't bitin' today 我会在我的床上躺着和喝醉的沉没导致鱼不bitin “今天


There's six foot waves and my stomach craves some good old Antiguan Rum 有6英尺的海浪和我的胃渴望一些很好的旧安提瓜朗姆酒

I took some away for a rainy day and the rain she is startin' to come now 我把一些距离,以备不时之需,她被挑动雨现在来

Take the jib sail down boys... 以吊臂落帆的男孩...


There's a northern wind and the lights are dim like a good fresh Cuban cigar 有一个北风,灯光昏暗是个不错的新鲜古巴雪茄

I got me a hunch where there might be a bunch in the Captain's pickle jar 我得到了我的预感其中可能有一帮在船长的泡菜坛子

So take the jib sail down boys... 因此,采取吊臂落帆的男孩...


The fish aren't bitin' today boys... 这些鱼并不是bitin “今天的男生...

歌词 Fish Aren't Biting Today 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/fish-aren_t-biting-today/

歌词 Fish Aren't Biting Today 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
'59 Cadillac '57 Chevrolet
3 Biggest Lies In The World
Bright Morning Light
Child Of God
Cocaine Carolina
Cum Stains On The Pillow
Dear Penis
Fish Aren't Biting Today
Free My Mind
Fuck Anita Bryant
Headed For The Country
If I Knew
If That Ain't Country - Part 2
Jimmy Buffett Doesn't Live In Key West Anymore
Just To Prove My Love To You
Linda Lovelace
Little Orphan Annie
Looking In The Mirror
Lovin' You Comes So Natural
Lyin' Comes So Easy To Your Lips
Master Bation Blues
Meanwhile Back In Memphis
Mississippi Woman
Niggerhatin' Me
Now I Lay Me Down To Cheat
Old Grey Goose Is Dead
Please Come To Boston
Pledging My Love
Pussy Whipped Again
Ride 'em Cowboy
Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town
Shackles And Chains
Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay
Southern Star
Tanya Montana
The Devil Went Down To Jamaica
The Rodeo Song
Thief In My Bedroom
Things Look So Different From The Sky
Vibrator Queen
Waylon Willie And Me
Wild Irish Rose
Show Me A Sign
Do Some Good
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow
You'll Be Fine
The Love We're In
We Can Try
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36
歌词 Fish Aren't Biting Today 的作者与版权信息:


David Allan Coe


Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.