歌词 "First Day Of Spring" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

First Day Of Spring



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

As the whirlwind sets 由于旋风集

You will stand on the edge of the world 你会站在世界的边缘

As the cold wind blows 由于冷风吹

You will slip through the air like a ghost 您将通过空中滑像鬼


Fear sleeps in every corner, 怕睡在每一个角落,

Every darkened door, every sound 每一个黑暗的门,每一个声音

Quiet lies and hidden rhythm, 安静的谎言和隐藏的节奏,

Silent repetitions going 'round 沉默的重复去轮


And you hide yourself away 而你隐藏自己走

So you don't have to run not anymore 所以,你不必再运行不

And you hide yourself away 而你隐藏自己走

So you don't have to run not anymore 所以,你不必再运行不

And you don't have anyone 和你没有任何人

But you don't have to run. 但是你没有运行。


Eyes that seem to know 眼睛似乎知道

Follow you to the ledge of the world 跟着你到世界的窗台


Fear sleeps in every mind, 怕睡在每一个心中,

There are people long since left behind 还有,因为留下的都是人之长

Our lives are spent preoccupied, 我们的生活花费斤斤计较,

Some will learn to hide it very well 有些人会学会隐藏得很好


And you hide yourself away 而你隐藏自己走

So you don't have to run not anymore 所以,你不必再运行不

And you hide yourself away 而你隐藏自己走

So you don't have to run not anymore 所以,你不必再运行不

And you don't have anyone 和你没有任何人

But you don't have to run. 但是你没有运行。

歌词 First Day Of Spring 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/first-day-of-spring-1/