歌词 "Fire" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

This that, fire! 这是,火!


It's your man Bambino, Sick Boi thriller 这是你的男人巴比诺,生病博伊惊悚片

King of fly rappers, there ain't none iller 飞说唱之王,没有没有Iller河畔

I'm into fly sneakers, colors like Gullies 我把飞鞋,颜色,如沟

So if you don't know me by now: "You's a dummy" 所以,如果你不知道我现在说:“你是个假”

It's the Sick Boi anthem, girls take your coats off 它是生病博伊国歌,女孩把你的大衣掉

Get the champagne, pop the cork like Sosa 拿到香槟,弹出如索萨软木塞

Make some mimosas, get like me 使一些含羞草,让像我这样的

Spanish girls holla say, "Aye papi" 西班牙女孩霍拉说, “赞成PAPI ”

Ooh la la, on the French Riviera 哦啦啦,在法国里维埃拉

These other boys sandals, straight club benders 这些其他的男孩凉鞋,直俱乐部弯管机

We some go-getters, you should know better 我们的一些干将,你应该知道的

Your girl think 'bout me while she drivin' a Jetta 你的女朋友想回合我,而她驾乘一辆捷达

Used to blast Kelly Clarkson, now she a sick girl 用于爆炸凯利克拉克森,现在她生病的女孩

Hot pink shirt and them lime green sneakers 粉红色的衬衫和他们石灰绿鞋

Take a quick picture, put me on blast 采取快速的画面,把我放在爆炸

Call the fireman, he need to come fast 叫消防员,他要来的太快

I'm on fire 我在燃烧


They call me Sick Boi cause they know I'm so sick 他们叫我恶心博伊因为他们知道我很讨厌

Purple on my starter cap, yellow on my kicks 紫对我的首发帽,黄色在我踢

Haters talkin' shit, they think they so slick 仇敌说话狗屎,他们认为这样华而不实

And if you don't like my style: "Eat a dick" 如果你不喜欢我的风格: “吃鸡巴”

I'm a younger Denzel, say it ain't so 我是一个年轻的丹泽尔,说不是这样

I'm all puffed up like I'm made of afros 我都趾高气扬像我做afros的

But my neck ain't froze, where's the boy's jewelery? 不过,我的脖子不愣,哪来的男孩的珠宝?

Don't need it nigga, clothes bright, shine beautifully 不需要它的兄弟们,衣服鲜艳,光泽美丽

Used to sport Airs then I had to get Grind 用来炫耀的架子,然后我得研磨

Now I look great, now I'm top of the line 现在我看起来棒极了,现在我顶线

Used to go hungry when I'd buy them new shoes 用挨饿的时候我就买他们的新鞋

Now I'm like "Mm..food" like MF Doom 现在,我很喜欢“ Mm..food ”像MF死命

Busy makin' moves like my name was Tetris 忙金移动就像我的名字是俄罗斯方块

Money in the bank, you can check my mattress 钱存在银行里,你可以检查我的床垫

Bright like Mantis and I ain't selfish 明亮如螳螂,我是不自私

I got the game shook like a young black Elvis 我得到了游戏的震撼就像一个年轻的黑人猫王

Fire 消防

歌词 Fire 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/fire-31/

歌词 Fire 的作者与版权信息:


Donald Mckinley Glover Ii


Childish Industries, Songs Of Universal Inc.