歌词 "Fear Is Like Fire" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Fear Is Like Fire



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Fear is like fire 令人担心的是像火

You can warm your hands on it 您可以温暖你的手就可以了

Fear is like fire 令人担心的是像火

You can burn your house down with it 你可以用它烧毁你的家园

You can watch it burn, yeah 你可以看它燃烧,是啊


Yeah, you can light it 是的,你可以点燃它

Mmh, you can light it 中度弱智,你可以点燃它

You can light it 您可以点着它

Or you can utilize it 或者你也可以利用它


You can peel back the layers 您可以剥离层

Find what's underneath of us 找什么我们下面

Peel back the layers 剥开层层

One by one, everyone will reveal a side of us 一个接一个,大家就会发现我们的一面


Yeah, you can light it 是的,你可以点燃它

Mmh, you can light it 中度弱智,你可以点燃它

You can light it 您可以点着它

Or you can utilize it 或者你也可以利用它

As long as it don't go out 只要不出门


Here we are at the point of no return 在这里,我们是在不归路

Fear is like fire 令人担心的是像火

You can watch it burn 你可以看它燃烧

You can watch it burn 你可以看它燃烧

You can watch it 你可以看它

You can warm your hands on it 您可以温暖你的手就可以了

Warm your hands on it 温暖你的双手就可以了

You can warm it up 您可以温暖起来


You can warm your hands on it 您可以温暖你的手就可以了

歌词 Fear Is Like Fire 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/fear-is-like-fire/

歌词 Fear Is Like Fire 的作者与版权信息:


Finian Greenall, Tim Thornton, Guy Whittaker


Third Side Us Publishing O.B.O. Just Isn'T Music