歌词 "Fame (What She's Wanting)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Fame (What She's Wanting)



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Staring down from 30,000 feet above the planet 千里之外的星球上面盯着

She gets the sense nothing's behind her anymore 她得到的感觉没有什么是她的身后了

Her quest for fame has left her nothing short of a fanatic 她追求名利已经离开了她不折不扣的狂热

For the chance to be the one that we adore 对于有机会成为一个我们崇拜


Fame's what she's wanting 名利是她的希望

You can't go too far (when that's who you are...because) 你不能走太远(当那是你是谁......因为)

Fame's what she's wanting 名利是她的希望

Not a face in the crowd just a disposable pop star 在人群中只是一个一次性的流行歌手不是一张脸


They called her princess cause they always knew she'd be a servant 他们叫她公主的原因,他们一直都知道她是一个仆人

Never having an ambition in her life 从来没有在她生活中的野心

They all knew she end up just another loser's girlfriend 他们都知道,她最终只是一个失败者的女友

Who'd a thought she'd become a Jedi Knight 谁愿意一想,她会成为一个绝地武士


Bittersweet the taste of...... 酸甜苦辣的滋味......

歌词 Fame (What She's Wanting) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/fame-what-she_s-wanting/