歌词 "Fall Together" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Fall Together



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Looking through the looking glass 翻翻镜子

Looking back at me 回头看我

I got X-Ray rear view vision 我得到了X光后视的愿景

But I don't like what I see 但我不喜欢我所看到的


Now, I'd should not bitch and moan 现在,我想应该不是婊子和呻吟

But there's not much I can do 但没有太多我可以做

When you're hangin' by a thread 当你犹豫不决,由一个线程

And I'm hangin' on to you 而我犹豫不决,就交给你了


[Chorus] [合唱]

Baby we can fall apart 宝贝,我们可以土崩瓦解

Or we can fall together 或者,我们可以一起跌倒

It's a long, way down 这是一个漫长,一路下滑

We can make a new start 我们可以做一个新的开始

Never say never 永不说永不

We can fall apart 我们可以土崩瓦解

Or we can fall together 或者,我们可以一起跌倒

Fall together, fall together 秋天在一起,一起跌倒

Fall together, fall together 秋天在一起,一起跌倒


Now I know you feel compelled 现在,我知道你觉得有必要

When you're way down in the dumps 当你在垃圾场一路下滑

Every road can take some turns 每路可以采取一些圈

And every road has got it's bumps 每条路得到了它的颠簸


Now you got to know yourself 现在,你必须知道自己

Yeah, you got to play it smart 是啊,你得玩智能

'Cause you'll suffer for your sanity “因为你会挨你的理智

If you suffer for your art 如果你挨你的艺术


[Chorus] [合唱]


Now honey I got this feelin' somethin's funny 现在,亲爱的,我有这个感觉事端的搞笑

But I don't know what it is 但我不知道它是什么

My knees are shakin', how amazing 我的膝盖都颤抖,多么惊人

And the ground's about to give 与地面的要放弃


(fall, yeah) (秋天,是啊)

Baby, we can fall apart 宝贝,我们可以土崩瓦解

Or we can fall together 或者,我们可以一起跌倒

It's a long way down 这是条漫漫长路

We can make a good start 我们可以做一个良好的开端

Never say never 永不说永不

We can fall apart or we can 我们可以土崩瓦解,或者我们可以

fall 秋天


Baby we can fall apart 宝贝,我们可以土崩瓦解

Or we can fall together 或者,我们可以一起跌倒

It's a long way down 这是条漫漫长路

We can make a new start 我们可以做一个新的开始

Never say never 永不说永不

We can fall apart 我们可以土崩瓦解

Or we can fall together 或者,我们可以一起跌倒

Baby, we can fall apart 宝贝,我们可以土崩瓦解

Or we can fall together 或者,我们可以一起跌倒

It's a long way down 这是条漫漫长路

We can make a good start 我们可以做一个良好的开端

Never say never 永不说永不

We can fall apart 我们可以土崩瓦解

Or we can fall together 或者,我们可以一起跌倒


Fall together... 秋季在一起...

歌词 Fall Together 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/fall-together/

歌词 Fall Together 的作者与版权信息:


Dean Michael Grakal, Greg Wells, Mark Hudson


Birdie Of My Life Music, Irving Music Inc., Beef Puppet Music, Greg Wells Music, MCA Music Publishing A.D.O. Universal S