歌词 "Fall Guy" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Fall Guy


歌词相关歌手:KELLY, PAUL

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

On slippery ice he's skating 在湿滑的冰,他的滑冰

but he don't have a care 但他没有照顾

Beneath his feet its breaking 在他的脚下崩断

but his head's in the air 但他的头在空中

Everyone's anticipating 每个人都在期待

he's gonna take a dive 他要带潜水

Turn down your conversations 打开您的通话

here comes the fall guy 下面就是我的替罪羊


Here comes that fall guy 这里谈到的替罪羊

Here comes that fall guy 这里谈到的替罪羊


I know I shouldn't ought to 我知道我不应该当属

reach for illusion 端起错觉

Just like a lamb to the slaughter 就像一只羔羊的屠宰

I only see confusion 我只看到混乱

Everyone's in expectation 每个人都在期待

this head is gonna roll 这头是要去滚

Turn down your conversations 打开您的通话

here comes the fall guy 下面就是我的替罪羊


You can't help bad luck oh no 你不能帮助运气不好哦,不

You can't help bad luck oh no 你不能帮助运气不好哦,不

You can't help bad luck oh no 你不能帮助运气不好哦,不

But it's a fool who puts his head in a frame 但它是一个傻瓜谁把他的头一帧


On slippery ice he's skating 在湿滑的冰,他的滑冰

but he don't have a care 但他没有照顾

Beneath his feet its breaking 在他的脚下崩断

but his head's in the air 但他的头在空中

Everyone's anticipating 每个人都在期待

he's gonna take a dive 他要带潜水

Turn down your conversations 打开您的通话

here comes the fall guy 下面就是我的替罪羊


You can't help bad luck oh no 你不能帮助运气不好哦,不

You can't help bad luck oh no 你不能帮助运气不好哦,不

You can't help bad luck oh no 你不能帮助运气不好哦,不

Here comes that fall guy 这里谈到的替罪羊


You can't help bad luck oh no 你不能帮助运气不好哦,不

Here comes that fall guy 这里谈到的替罪羊

[repeat to fade] [重复褪色]

歌词 Fall Guy 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/fall-guy/

歌词 Fall Guy 的作者与版权信息:


Paul Maurice Kelly


Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Lim, Paul Kelly Music, WB Music Corp.