歌词 "Fairview" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:CHASE COY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Leaves are changing you 叶子正在改变你

The weather is changing you 天气正在改变你

You said I am changing too 你说我改变过

It's that time of year again 这是一年的时间了

Autumn is here again 秋天又来了


And all of the words that you said 而所有这一切,你说的话

Keep ringing in my head 响个不停在我的脑海

And I'm standing here 而我站在这里

Hanging by a thread 由一个线程挂

Yeah I don't know what to do and so 是的,我不知道该怎么办等等

For now I'll just enjoy my life on fairview 现在我只是享受我的锦绣人生

Soaking up the view 浸泡了看法


I'm filling these pages 我正在填补这些页面

With the words and the phrases 用词语和短语

I could use to make this dream come true 我可以用它来使这个梦想成真

When the lights go out at night 当灯光熄灭,晚上

I go to sleep and shut my eyes 我去睡觉,闭上我的眼睛

And know that I am always dreaming of you 而且知道我总是梦见你


The air is getting colder 空气越来越冷

Rest your head here upon my shoulder 在这里休息你的头在我的肩膀上

And I swear that it will be okay 我发誓,一切都会好的

And if you must borrow my sweater 如果你要借用我的毛衣

In the light of this fall weather 在今年秋季天气的光

Just be sure to have it back by tomorrow 只是一定要拥有它回来的明天


Time is moving slower now 时间是现在,移动速度慢

I wanna make it stop somehow 我想使它停止莫名其妙

And stay here in this moment forever 而住在这里的这一刻永远

I don't know what to do and so 我不知道该怎么办等等

For now I'll just enjoy my life on fairview 现在我只是享受我的锦绣人生

Soaking up the view 浸泡了看法


I'm filling these pages 我正在填补这些页面

With the words and the phrases 用词语和短语

I could use to make this dream come true 我可以用它来使这个梦想成真

When the lights go out at night 当灯光熄灭,晚上

I go to sleep and shut my eyes 我去睡觉,闭上我的眼睛

And know that I am always dreaming of you 而且知道我总是梦见你


I don't know what to do and so 我不知道该怎么办等等

For now I'll just enjoy my life on fairview 现在我只是享受我的锦绣人生

Soaking up the view 浸泡了看法


I'm filling these pages 我正在填补这些页面

With the words and the phrases 用词语和短语

I could use to make this dream come true 我可以用它来使这个梦想成真

When the lights go out at night 当灯光熄灭,晚上

I go to sleep and shut my eyes 我去睡觉,闭上我的眼睛

And know that I am always dreaming of you 而且知道我总是梦见你

You know that I am always dreaming of you 你知道,我总是梦见你

歌词 Fairview 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/fairview/

歌词 Fairview 的作者与版权信息:


Chase Coy


Sony/ATV Songs LLC, Fall Is Gone Publishing