歌词 "Expecting To Fly" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Expecting To Fly



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There you stood on the edge of your feather, 在那里,你站在你的羽毛的边缘,

Expecting to fly. 期待飞翔。

While I laughed, I wondered whether 虽然我笑了,我想知道是否

I could wave goodbye, 我挥手告别,

Knowin' that you'd gone. 深深地知道你已经走了。

By the summer it was healing, 到了夏天,被治愈,

We had said goodbye. 我们已经说了再见。

All the years we'd spent with feeling 所有我们想一起度过的感觉岁月

Ended with a cry, 结束了一声,

Babe, ended with a cry, 贝贝,结束了一声,

Babe, ended with a cry. 贝贝,结束了一声。


I tried so hard to stand 我那么努力站

As I stumbled and fell to the ground. 我迷迷糊糊地倒在地上。

So hard to laugh as I fumbled 所以很难笑,因为我失手

And reached for the love I found, 并达成了我爱的人,

Knowin' it was gone. 深深地知道就不见了。

If I never lived without you, 如果我从来没有生活,没有你,

Now you know I'd die. 现在你知道我会死。

If I never said I loved you, 如果我从来没有说过我爱你,

Now you know I'd try, 现在你知道我会尝试,

Babe, now you know I'd try. 宝贝,现在你知道我会尝试。

Babe, now you know I'd try, 宝贝,现在你知道我会尝试,

Babe. 贝贝。

歌词 Expecting To Fly 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/expecting-to-fly/

歌词 Expecting To Fly 的作者与版权信息:


Neil Young


Cotillion Music Inc., Springalo Toones, Ten-east Music