歌词 "Everything I Want" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Everything I Want



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I wasn't living 我是不是活

Till the day you came around 直到你来到身边的日子

And all of my defenses came tumbling down 和我所有的防线轰然倒下

You turn up the quiet 您打开的宁静

You make my troubles cease 你让我的烦恼不再

And deep inside your eyes there's only peace 而在内心深处你的眼睛里只有和平


[CHORUS] [合唱]

And everything I want 而我想要的一切

Is right here in my arms 就在这里在我的怀里

All I have been looking for, I can see 所有我一直在寻找,我可以看到

And everything I need 而我需要的一切

Has been with me all along 一直陪着我一直

Just like an angel watching over me 就像一个天使守护着我


I never imagined 我从来没有想过

I could ever feel like this 我能感到过这样的

And I know that here on Earth, Heaven does exist 我知道,在地球上,天堂是存在的

The battles I'm fighting 我打的仗

Disappear without a trace 消失的无影无踪

If I just close my eyes and picture your face 如果我只是闭上双眼,想象你的脸


[CHORUS] [合唱]


Someone must have prayed 一定有人祈祷

Someone must have heard 有人一定听过

I know that miracles still happen in this world 我知道,奇迹还是发生在这个世界上


(Everything I want) (一切我想要的)


And everything I need 而我需要的一切

Has been with me all along 一直陪着我一直

Just like an angel watching over me 就像一个天使守护着我

Just like an angel watching over me 就像一个天使守护着我

Over me, over me 对我,对我

歌词 Everything I Want 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/everything-i-want-2/