歌词 "Everything" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

With the faces I now wear 与我现在穿的面孔

It's only proof my thoughts 这只是证明了我的想法

Have become impaired 已计提减值

And the courage I shall build 和勇气,我会建

Stands at distance still 站在远处依然


Everything is physical 一切都是物理

Everything takes precedence 一切的优先级

Everything's admissible 一切都受理

Everything is evident 一切是显而易见的


And this comfort I've designed 这安慰我设计

Will only stay intact until 只会保持不变,直到

The truth I find 我发现真相

As some answers fly around 由于一些答案绕飞

No cure have I found 无药可治有,我发现


Guide me, save me, teach me 引导我,救我,教我

I need to learn from this 我需要这个来学习

Hold me, soothe me my Love 抱着我,安慰我,我的爱


The reflection I now see 我现在看到的反思

Is always trying to blind 总是试图蒙蔽

And discourage me 并阻止我

But my patience shall prevail 但是,我的耐心为准

And myself as well 而我自己也


Everything is comfortable 一切都舒服

Everything's a brighter shade 一切都更美好的树荫

Everything is suitable 一切都适合

Everything is KOOL-AID 一切都是KOOL -AID

歌词 Everything 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/everything-56/

歌词 Everything 的作者与版权信息:


Jason Pebworth, George Astasio, John Ben T. Jen, Kevin M. Roentgen, Anthony Cornelius Hamilton, Neneh Cherry, John Charles Hampson, Cameron Mcvey, Chad Michael Rachild, Amy Skylark Foster Gillies, Christopher Thomas Cano, Jason Andrew Pebworth, Jonathan Sharp


Almost October Songs, Songs Of Universal Inc., Astasio Music Ltd., Pebworth Music Ltd., Paddy Crusty Ltd., Universal Music Publishing Ltd., Tappy Whyte'S Music, Choice Audio Ltd., Hazel Songs, WB Music Corp.