歌词 "Every Song I Sing" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Every Song I Sing


歌词相关歌手:JAH CURE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

In every song I sing 在每首歌我唱

I just got to hail my King 我刚刚欢呼我的王

HE is the truth ,that lies within 他是真理,就在于内

In every song I sing 在每首歌我唱

I just got to hail my King 我刚刚欢呼我的王

HE is the truth that lies within 他的谎言中的真相


[Verse 1:] [诗歌1 : ]

The birds and the bees they cling 鸟类和它们紧贴蜜蜂

Together sweet honey they bring 一起甜蜜蜜,他们带来

Jah notice everyting from winter to spring 扎哈注意到从冬季everyting去春来

He made the raindrops fall 他提出的雨滴落在

He quench earth's thirst for all 他解渴地球的渴望全部

How could I deny Jah Rastafari 我怎么能拒绝扎哈拉斯塔法里教


When them system fail 当他们的系统故障

HE keeps an eye on them 他一直关注他们

There's no question why 毫无疑问,为什么

I hail Rastafari í冰雹拉斯塔法里教


[Chorus] [合唱]


[Verse 2:] [诗2: ]

Around Rastafari Throne 周围的拉斯塔法里教王座

Thats where I wanna build my home 那在这里我想打造我的家

Where there's always love 哪里有永远的爱

And nothing to prove 并没有什么证明

Whether you are tall 无论你是高个子

Or whether you are small 还是你是小

Jah say equal rights and justice for us all 扎哈说,对我们所有人的平等权利和正义

When them system fail 当他们的系统故障

Jah keep an eye on them 扎哈留意他们

There's no question why 毫无疑问,为什么

I hail Rastafari í冰雹拉斯塔法里教


[Chorus] [合唱]


[Verse 3:] [诗歌3 : ]

Jah stay around Rastafari Throne 扎哈呆在身边拉斯塔法里教王座

That's where i wanna build my home 这就是我想打造我的家

Where there's always love 哪里有永远的爱

And nothing to prove 并没有什么证明

Cause whether you are tall 因为你无论是高大

Cause whether you are small 因为你无论是小

Jah say equal rights and justice for us all 扎哈说,对我们所有人的平等权利和正义

Cause when them system fail 因为当他们的系统故障

Jah keep an eye on them 扎哈留意他们

Cause how could i deny Jah Rastafari 原因我怎么能拒绝扎哈拉斯塔法里教


[Chorus: fades] [合唱:衰]

歌词 Every Song I Sing 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/every-song-i-sing-1/

歌词 Every Song I Sing 的作者与版权信息:


Siccaturie Alcock, Beres Hammond


Siccaturie Alcock, Suelion Music O.B.O. Iyahcure Music