歌词 "Even The Stars" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Even The Stars



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Verse 1] [诗歌1 ]

You're so beautiful, irresistible 你是如此美丽,势不可挡

This moment's nothing short of magical 这一刻的简直不可思议

My heart never had a chance its true 我的心脏从来没有机会真正的

Even the stars are fallin' for you 连明星都上你了


[Verse 2] [诗歌2]

I've waited for so long, to be here in your arms 我已经等了这么久,在这里在你的怀抱

Right now, I don't care if it's right or wrong 现在,我不在乎它是对还是错

Tell me what was I supposed to do? 告诉我什么是我应该做的?

Even the stars are fallin' for you 连明星都上你了


[Chorus] [合唱]

Here we are alone at last, together 在这里,我们仅在去年,合

Under a blanket of white diamonds in the sky 在白色的钻石在天空毯子

Holding on tight 死守

Just you and I 只是你和我

And the night 而夜间


[instrumental] [工具]


[Verse 3] [诗歌3 ]

Just like gravity 就像地心引力

The way I fell so deep 一路上我跌那么深

The very first time that you smiled at me 这是第一次,你对我笑

Couldn't stop now if I wanted to 难道现在还没有停止,如果我想

Even the stars are fallin' for you 连明星都上你了


[Chorus] [合唱]

Here we are alone at last together 在这里,我们仅仅是在去年一起

Under a blanket of white diamonds in the sky 在白色的钻石在天空毯子

Holding on tight 死守

Just you and I 只是你和我

And the night 而夜间


[Tag] [标签]

My heart never had a chance, it's true 我的心脏从未有过的机会,这是真的

Even the stars are fallin' for you 连明星都上你了

歌词 Even The Stars 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/even-the-stars/