歌词 "Eskimo Blue Day" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Eskimo Blue Day



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Snow cuts loose from the frozen 雪削减从冷冻松

Until it joins with the African sea 直到它与非洲海上加入

In moving it changes its cold and its name 在移动它改变它的寒冷,它的名字

The reason I come and go is the same 我来和去的道理是一样的

Animal game for me 动物游戏对我来说

You call it rain 你叫雨

But the human name 但人的名字

Doesn't mean shit to a tree 并不意味着狗屎一棵树

If you don't mind heat in your river and 如果你不介意的热量在你的河边,

Fork tongue talking from me 叉的舌头从我说话

Swim like an eel fantastic snake 游象鳗鱼梦幻般的蛇

Take my love when it's free 把我的爱时,它是免费的

Electric feel with me 电动的感觉与我

You call it loud 你大声叫它

But the human crowd 但人围观

Doesn't mean shit to a tree 并不意味着狗屎一棵树

Change the strings and notes slide 改变字符串和注释幻灯片

Change the bridge and string shift down 换下来的桥梁和字符串偏移

Shift the notes and bride sings 按住Shift键的笔记和新娘唱

Fire eating people 吃火人

Rising toys of the sun 太阳升起玩具

Energy dies without body warm 能源死亡,没有身体温暖

Icicles ruin your gun 冰柱毁了你的枪

Water my roots the natural thing 浇灌我的根在自然的事情

Natural spring to the sea 天然泉水的出海口

Sulphur springs make my body float 硫磺泉让我的身体浮

Like a ship made of logs from a tree 像从树上原木制成的船

Redwoods talk to me 红杉跟我说话

Say it plainly 明明白白说出来

The human name 人的名

Doesn't mean shit to a tree 并不意味着狗屎一棵树

Snow called water going violent 斯诺称为水去暴力

Damn the end of the stream 该死的流末尾

Too much cold in one place breaks 在一个地方休息太多冷饮

That's why you might know what I mean 这就是为什么你会知道我是什么意思

Consider how small you are 想想你是多么的渺小

Compared to your scream 比起你尖叫

The human dream 人类梦想

Doesn't mean shit to a tree 并不意味着狗屎一棵树

歌词 Eskimo Blue Day 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/eskimo-blue-day/