歌词 "Encoded Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Encoded Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I don't have to tell you what 我没有告诉你

I don't have to tell you what to do 我没有告诉你该怎么做

The answer in your eyes is vague 在你的眼中,答案是模糊的

The answer in your eyes is deep dark blue 在你的眼中,答案是深海蓝

So many years ago you found a way to show remorse 因此,许多年前,你找到了一种方法来反省

But Morse is just the only code we know 但是莫尔斯仅仅是我们知道的唯一代码

Short long short 空头多头空头


Baby it's hard... 婴儿很难...


Hard to break encoded love 难以突破的编码爱

So hard to break encoded love 所以很难打破编码的爱

It's all I get from you 这就是我从你

But baby we'll pull through 但是亲爱的,我们会渡过难关

And all I get from you is encoded love 和所有我从你得到的是编码的爱


You don't have to tell me where 你不必告诉我在哪里

You don't have to tell me where it hurts 你不必告诉我哪里痛

Hope is in your eyes 希望是在你的眼睛

But hope can be annoying as heartburn 但希望可恼人的胃灼热

You told me long time ago 你告诉我,很久以前

You'd push me 'way when I would show remorse 你推我“的方式,当我反省

But this labyrinth of dots & stripes 但是,这迷宫点和条纹

Is so hard to solve 就是这么难解决


Baby it's hard... 婴儿很难...


Hard to break encoded love 难以突破的编码爱

So hard to break encoded love 所以很难打破编码的爱

It's all I get from you 这就是我从你

But baby we'll pull through 但是亲爱的,我们会渡过难关

And all I get from you is encoded love 和所有我从你得到的是编码的爱


Hard to break encoded love 难以突破的编码爱

So hard to break encoded love 所以很难打破编码的爱

It's all I get from you 这就是我从你

But baby we'll pull through 但是亲爱的,我们会渡过难关

It's all I get from you 这就是我从你

But baby we'll pull through 但是亲爱的,我们会渡过难关

And all I get from you is encoded love 和所有我从你得到的是编码的爱

encoded love 编码的爱

encoded love 编码的爱

encoded love 编码的爱

歌词 Encoded Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/encoded-love/

歌词 Encoded Love 的作者与版权信息:


Alex Callier


Emi Music Publishing Belgium Sa