歌词 "Emotional Anarchist" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Emotional Anarchist



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Stack your bricks up to the sky, 堆栈的砖块向天空,

Name each one and throw them high, 命名每一个给它们扔高,

The trouble with trouble is it comes down fast, 麻烦麻烦的是它归结快,

So watch out where you're goin' or you just won't last, 所以,要当心,你要走了,否则你是不会持续,

(WOW-OH!!!) (哇,哦! )


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

You're an emotional anarchist, 你是一个情绪化的无政府主义者,

You're pissed cause you've never been kissed, 你生气,因为你从来没有被吻过,

You're drowning in a sea of anarchy, 你淹没在混乱的海洋,

With your heart above your patches and a faith in democracy. 随着你的心脏上面的补丁和民主的信仰。


Cover your eyes and block your ears, 遮住你的眼睛和阻止你的耳朵,

We've been lied to all these years, 我们一直在骗这些年来,

The trouble with trouble is you had a good time, 麻烦麻烦的是,你有一个很好的时间,

You knew what you were doin' at the scene of the crime, 你知道你是在犯罪现场乐队 ,

(WOW-OH!!) (哇,哦! )


[Chorus] [合唱]


[Interlude Part:] [插曲部分: ]

Ashes To Ashes, 烟灭,

We All Fall Down 我们都倒下了


[Chorus x2] [合唱x ]

歌词 Emotional Anarchist 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/emotional-anarchist/