歌词 "Elevate" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:ST. LUCIA

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Verse 1] [诗歌1 ]

I don't know how you do it 我不知道你是怎么做到的

But somehow you always will be there 但不知何故,你总是会在那里

And there's nothing to it 而且也没有什么不可以

But somehow you always understand 但不知何故,你总是知道

There's no way to wake up now 有没有办法,现在醒过来

Too many times I saw you cry 太多次,我看见你哭

And no one can make up it 没有人能弥补它

You wait for the sun to make the sky 你就等着阳光让天空


[Hook] [钩]

And no one elevates you, elevates you now 没有人举起你,现在你提升

And no one's gonna take you, gonna take you there 而且没有人会带你,还送你在那里


[Verse 2] [诗歌2]

All this time, never thought I would see you smile 这一切的时候,从来没有想过我会看到你的微笑

Know that I and I know that I see you now 知道我,我知道,我现在看到你

But I know I can't walk in 但我知道我不能走在

Never go back again 永远不会再回来

No matter how, tonight I'll never go back, never go back again 不管今晚怎么样,我永远不会回去,永远不会再回来


[Hook 2x] [钩2倍]


[Bridge 4x] [桥4倍]

You know that I want to get away 你知道我想离开

And I cannot wait for another day 我不能再等一天

You know that I want to elevate 你知道,我想提升

Time to pick it up and celebrate 时间把它捡起来,庆祝


[Hook 2x] [钩2倍]


Hold on to your heart 紧握你的心脏


[Bridge 2x] [桥2倍]


Hold on to your heart 紧握你的心脏


[Bridge 2x] [桥2倍]


Hold on to your heart 紧握你的心脏


[Bridge 4x] [桥4倍]

歌词 Elevate 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/elevate-1/