歌词 "Easy Tonight" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Easy Tonight



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You were wrong 你错了

You were right 你是对的

You are gone 你走了

Tonight 今晚

You were free 你是自由的

So alive 这样活着

You were wrong 你错了

You were right 你是对的


You were down 你下来

You could see 你可以看到

You wore hearts 你穿的心

for me 对我来说

You were sharp 你是犀利

Sharp as knives 锋利如刀

You were wrong 你错了

You were right 你是对的


Shot down: said you never had the chance 击落:说你从未有过的机会

Took a ride on a suicide romance 花了乘坐自杀浪漫

Could have sworn there was somebody home 可以发誓有某人的家

To facilitate the great unknown 为了便于很大的未知数

Woman, I ain't going to meet you anywhere 女人,我是不会去任何地方遇见你

Don't know where I'm going yet: 不知道我要去哪里还:

But I sure am getting there 但我确信我到达那里

Shotgun fire: anybody home 猎枪火:有人在家

I got two dimes in the telephone 我的电话有两个硬币

Alright: It's not easy tonight 好了:这不是今晚容易


You were bound 你被束缚

You were free 你是自由的

You wear black 你穿黑色

for me 对我来说

You were dark 你是黑

Dark as night 黑暗如夜

You were wrong 你错了

You were right 你是对的


Shot down: said you never had the chance 击落:说你从未有过的机会

Took a ride on a suicide romance 花了乘坐自杀浪漫

Could have sworn there was somebody home 可以发誓有某人的家

To facilitate the great unknown 为了便于很大的未知数

But woman, I ain't going to meet you anywhere 但是女人,我是不会在任何地方遇见你

Don't know where I'm going yet:But I sure am getting there 不知道我要去哪里还:但是我确信我越来越有


Shotgun fire: anybody home 猎枪火:有人在家

I got two dimes in the telephone 我的电话有两个硬币

Alright: It's not easy tonight 好了:这不是今晚容易


She's In. Over my head:and it's not easy it's not easy tonight 她在。在我的头上,而那是不容易的是不是今晚容易


Shotgun fire: anybody home 猎枪火:有人在家

I got two dimes in the telephone 我的电话有两个硬币

Alright: It's not easy tonight 好了:这不是今晚容易


You were free:Now your not:You were free 您可以自由:现在你不能,你是自由的

歌词 Easy Tonight 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/easy-tonight/

歌词 Easy Tonight 的作者与版权信息:


John Ondrasik


Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Five For Fighting Music