歌词 "Dreamer In My Dreams" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dreamer In My Dreams



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well there's a dreamer in my dreams, 那么有一个梦想家,我的梦想,

Swing from the beams, 从梁摆动,

(With a) light shining off the snow. (有了)灯照过雪。

Well there's a singer in my heart, 那么有在我的心脏歌手,

Burning up the charts, 燃烧起来的图表,

With songs about things we all know. 随着事情的歌大家都知道。

Well there's a blister on his brain, 那么有关于他的大脑出现水疱,

That's driving him insane, 这使他发了疯,

Cause all good things they gotta go. 因为他们要走了一切美好的事物。

Well there's a child on the way, 那么有一个孩子的方式,

It could be any day, 它可以是任何一天,

But how this life will change him, that we don't know. 但如何这辈子会改变他,那我们就不知道了。

Well there's a child on the way, 那么有一个孩子的方式,

One day, he's gonna say, "Ain't you my dad?" 有一天,他会说, “是不是你爸爸? ”

Then he's gonna look down and smile, 然后,他会往下看,微笑,

and after awhile, 之后一段时间,

He'll say, "That's for sure son, cause you got my eyes." 他会说, “那是肯定的儿子,因为你得到了我的眼睛。 ”

Well there's a dreamer in my dreams, 那么有一个梦想家,我的梦想,

He's hanging from the beams, 他吊在横梁,

With light shining off the snow. 用灯照了雪。

Well there's a blister on his brain, 那么有关于他的大脑出现水疱,

It's driving him insane, 它使他发了疯,

And all good things have to go, all right. 和一切美好的事物都走了,没事了。

There's a dreamer in my dreams, 有一个梦在我的梦里,

Swinging from the beams, 从梁摆动,

With a light shining off the lake. 用灯照过湖面。

Well, I know I made mistakes, 好吧,我知道我犯了错,

I'm passing then all on. 我经过那么所有的。

But I hope he gets some before there gone, all right. 但我希望他得到了一些有消失之前,所有的权利。

Yeah, that's it. 是的,就是这样。

Well there's a dreamer in my dreams, 那么有一个梦想家,我的梦想,

Climbing up the back, 爬了回来,

Of a car they used to call a Cadillac. 一辆车,他们习惯叫一辆凯迪拉克。

It's got a brand new set of keys, 它有一个全新的一套钥匙,

It's got a new look, it's got a new look, 它有一个新的面貌,它有一个新的面貌,

And his young one is gonna take it all away. 和他年轻的一个是会全部带走。

I believe it... 我相信它...

Well there's a dreamer in my dreams, 那么有一个梦想家,我的梦想,

Swinging from the beams, 从梁摆动,

All wrapped up in my garage. 在我的车库里都包裹起来。

He's hanging from a bell, 他挂着一个铃铛,

He don't know what he's done, 他不知道他做了什么,

Just don't forget to day goodbye when he's gone. 只是不要忘了那天告别时,他已经走了。

That's it. 就是这样。

歌词 Dreamer In My Dreams 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dreamer-in-my-dreams/

歌词 Dreamer In My Dreams 的作者与版权信息:


Jeff Tweedy, Jeffrey Scot Tweedy


Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., Ver Music, Words Ampersand Music