歌词 "Downtown" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Pretty girls in cars 漂亮的女孩在车

With the boys in bars 随着酒吧的男生

Thank your lucky stars 感谢您的幸运之星

They didn't give you scars 他们没有给你的伤痕


I've seen one street 我见过一街

Sexy people meet 性感的人见面

Can you feel the heat 你能感觉到热

You best get off this beat 你最好下车的这一掌


Same old scene 同样的旧场景

Going down 下去

Let me take you downtown 让我带你闹

Would you still stick around? 你还会留下来?

Let me take you downtown 让我带你闹


I'll show you what it's all about around here 我会告诉你什么是它的全部在这里


Well don't look at me 好了,不要看我

You know it ain't my scene 你知道这是不是我的场景

You're such a pretty thing 你这么漂亮的东西

With all your magazines 与所有的杂志

Come on 来吧


Same old scene 同样的旧场景

Going down 下去

Let me take you downtown 让我带你闹

Would you still stick around? 你还会留下来?

Let me take you downtown 让我带你闹

I know who you are 我知道你是谁

歌词 Downtown 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/downtown-21/