歌词 "Don't You Kill Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Don't You Kill Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Don't you kill love don't you kill love don't you kill love 难道你不爱杀不杀你爱你不爱杀


In the blink of an eye time passes us by 在眼睛瞬时间经过我们,

Where does it go 如果它确实去

Now will you take a stand for love I am 现在,你会采取的立场为爱我

Forever more 直到永远

These wars have wounded my heart so my trust breaks apart 这些战争已经受伤的我的心脏,所以我的信任会崩解

To human I say these words 人类我说这些话


Don't you kill love don't you kill love don't you kill love 难道你不爱杀不杀你爱你不爱杀


This chance we should not miss to share this sacred bliss 这个机会,大家不要错过分享这神圣的幸福

And spread it all around I'm gonna spread it all around 并传播它周围的一切,我会传播它周围的一切

My heart been broke before but still I must endure 我的心脏被打破过,但我还是必须忍受

Keep the spirits high keep the spirits high 保持精神高度保持兴致高

Cause it's the greatest things in life calls for the most sacrifice 因为这是最伟大的事情在生活中要求最牺牲

Are we brave are we brave enough 我们是勇敢的,我们够勇敢


Don't you kill love don't you kill love don't you kill love 难道你不爱杀不杀你爱你不爱杀

歌词 Don't You Kill Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/don_t-you-kill-love/