歌词 "Don't Upset The Rhythm (Go Baby Go)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Don't Upset The Rhythm (Go Baby Go)



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Don't Upset The Rhythm, no 不要乱了节奏,没

Don't Upset The Rhythm 不要打乱节奏

The time is right 时间是正确的

The sun is sleeping in the sky 太阳是睡在天空

Free your mind 释放你的心灵

You never know what you might find 你永远不知道你可能会发现

What's your vice 什么是你的副

You know we won't compromise 你知道,我们不会作任何妥协

So let me show you 所以,让我来告诉你

Something simple beautiful 一些简单的美丽


Let's rock the boat 让我们来捣乱

The magic is unstoppable 神奇的是不可阻挡的

For on floor 有关地板

It's the rhythm you've been waiting for 这是你一直在等待的节奏

Pure delight, kicks, snare, hat, ride 纯粹的喜悦,踢,圈套,帽子,骑


It's all up to you and whatever you do 这一切都取决于你,不管你做什么

Don't cut into my action 不要耽误我行动

4-3-2-1 4-3-2-1

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

Don't Upset The Rhythm, no 不要乱了节奏,没

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

Don't Upset The Rhythm 不要打乱节奏

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

Don't Upset The Rhythm, don't you dare 不要打乱了节奏,不要你敢

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!


Skin and bones 皮肤和骨骼

Acrobats and microphone 杂技演员和麦克风

Can't get home 不能回家

You can use my dog bone 你可以用我的狗骨头

Well crank the stereo even when the speaker low 以及曲柄立体声即使当扬声器低

D-I-Y D-I -Y

Just met at the paradise 刚认识的天堂


Whatever it takes, to carry you away 不管怎么样,来把你带走

It all comes down to actions 这一切都归结到行动

4-3-2-1 4-3-2-1

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

Don't Upset The Rhythm, no 不要乱了节奏,没

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

Don't Upset The Rhythm 不要打乱节奏

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

Don't Upset The Rhythm, don't you dare 不要打乱了节奏,不要你敢

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!


Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

(Come on) (来吧)

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

(This time I like it) (这个时候我喜欢)

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

Now don't you dare 现在不要你敢不敢

Don't Upset The Rhythm 不要打乱节奏


Don't Upset The Rhythm no 不要打乱节奏没

(Go, go, go) (走,走,走)

Don't Upset The Rhythm 不要打乱节奏

(Go, go, go) (走,走,走)

Don't Upset The Rhythm, don't you dare 不要打乱了节奏,不要你敢

I told you Don't Upset The Rhythm! 我告诉过你,不要乱了节奏!


Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

Don't Upset The Rhythm, no 不要乱了节奏,没

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

Don't Upset The Rhythm 不要打乱节奏

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

Don't Upset The Rhythm, don't you dare 不要打乱了节奏,不要你敢

Go baby, go baby GO! 走宝贝,宝贝去GO!

Don't Upset The Rhythm [Repeat] 不要打乱节奏[重复]

歌词 Don't Upset The Rhythm (Go Baby Go) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/don_t-upset-the-rhythm-go-baby-go/

歌词 Don't Upset The Rhythm (Go Baby Go) 的作者与版权信息:


Jason Pebworth, George Astasio, Shingai Elizabeth Maria Shoniwa, Jason Andrew Pebworth, Daniel John Montagu Smith, James Ross Morrison


Pebworth Music Ltd., Transgressive Publishing Ltd. (PRS), Astasio Music Ltd.