Don't Turn Away
Well, it was near dark-30 in the soccer field, we were a hundred strong and kids were coming still, 嗯,这是近黑30在足球场上,我们是一个百强和孩子们都来了还,
Up the drive of the Y Sportspark, to park beneath the trees. 最多在Y Sportspark的驱动,停放在树下。
I hadn't seen that many kids in one place since the Winger Concert or the dirt track race, 我还没有看到,很多孩子在一个地方,因为温格音乐会或土路赛,
And I thought this was definitely the coolest thing that I'd ever seen in Albany. 我认为这是绝对是我见过的奥尔巴尼的最酷的事情。
We had Kodiak and we spit in the dirt, and watched the Senior girls in their skirts, 我们有科迪亚克我们吐出的污物,并观看了大四女生的裙底,
And prayed for the day when we had girls that looked good and drank beer. 祈祷有一天,当我们有这样的看起来很不错,喝了啤酒的女孩。
Our lives were filled with nervous excitement as we waited for that epic fight, 我们的生活充满了紧张激动,因为我们等待着那种史诗般的战斗,
Of Clint Cecil and Clay Taylor, and the history they'd make. 克林特塞西尔和粘土泰勒,他们会做的历史。
So don't turn away, you don't have to run; every day has a rising sun, 所以,不要转身离开,你没有运行;每一天都有一个冉冉升起的太阳,
And one day yours is gonna come and take your blues away. 有一天,你是会来,并把你的蓝调之遥。
So don't turn away. 所以,不要转身离去。
Cause when you're in ninth grade it's a big deal, to stand shoulder to shoulder on a soccer field, 当你在九年级这是一个大问题,要肩并肩在一个足球场上的事业,
With 18 year olds who are too preoccupied to punch you in the gut. 18岁的孩子谁是忙于冲你的肠道。
Yeah these people came for just one thing, to see Clay and Clint in this human ring, 是啊,这些人来到了一件事,看黏土和克林特在这个人的戒指,
Cause both guys were tough as nails, and roughest of the rough. 造成这两个家伙是艰难的指甲,粗糙的粗糙的。
Well, Clay we didn't know so good cause he grew up outside our neighborhood, 那么,克莱我们不知道这么好,因为他长大了我们小区外面,
But I guess I first heard of him in Merry Acres Middle School. 但我想我第一次听到他的风流英亩中学。
Some are just fighters, and Clay always was, 有的只是战士,和克莱始终是,
But he never used a knife or a gun, 但他从来没有使用刀或枪,
He preferred to win or get beat on the strength of his will. 他宁愿赢或让打在他的意志的力量。
Consequently, Clint was notoriously known, for being bit by a rattlesnake in a berry grove, 因此,克林特是出了名的公知的,是位被响尾蛇在浆果树丛,
He was only ten then, and he swelled up like a weather balloon. 他是唯一的10后,他肿了起来像一个气象气球。
But it couldn't kill him, it only hardened 'em a bit, 但不能杀了他,那只能硬时间了一下,
And after that he never took no stuff, and that' prob'ly why he and Clay met that afternoon. 在这之后,他从来不带任何东西,而这probly为什么他和克莱遇见那个下午。
So don't turn away, you don't have to run; every day has a rising sun, 所以,不要转身离开,你没有运行;每一天都有一个冉冉升起的太阳,
And one day yours is gonna come and take your blues away. 有一天,你是会来,并把你的蓝调之遥。
So don't turn away. 所以,不要转身离去。
Well, Clint and Clay should have never a fought, it was a lie that was started by my friends dad's daughter, 那么,克林特和粘土应该有从来没有一个打过,这是由我的朋友的爸爸的女儿开始了一个谎言,
Which would usually be called a sister but she was more than that. 这通常会被称为一姐,但她却不止于此。
Cause his dad had an affair with my friend's mom's mother, 因为他的父亲和我的朋友的妈妈的母亲有染,
And had two kids, and maybe others, One was my friends uncle, and the other was his aunt. 并有两个孩子,也许其他人,一个是我的朋友的叔叔,另一个是他的姑姑。
So his quasi-aunt-step-sister-person had done a bad thing and worsened it, 所以他的准阿姨步姐人做了一件坏事,并恶化了,
By hitting Clay's parked car and starting a lie. 击中克莱的停放的汽车,并开始一个谎言。
She was confused already with the way she was, and she didn't want to piss off the boy she loved, 她已经混淆的方式她,而她也不想激怒她所爱的男孩,
Cause she had a crush on Clay since she was nine. 因为她有一个暗恋克莱因为她是九。
Which was something we didn't quite understand, cause girls dug Clay but he was an ugly man, 这是一些我们不太明白,导致女孩挖出泥土,但他是一个丑陋的男人,
Much like us, so he gave us hope, or at least a fighting chance. 就像我们,所以他给了我们希望,或者至少是一个战斗的机会。
We just knew he wasn't someone to mess with, so it was no surprise when he got the message, 我们只知道他是不是有人乱用,所以这是毫不奇怪,当他得到的消息,
That he skipped his class and ran out in a rage. 他跳过了他的课,跑出了愤怒。
He yelled, "Whichever dead man hit my car, you know what you did and you know who you are, 他喊道:“无论死者撞我的车,你知道你做了什么,你知道你是谁,
And if you was worth a damn, you'd fess up to what you did." 如果你是一文不值,你明说你做了什么“ 。
From the group of kids rose a shaking hand, it was the one of my friend's sister-aunt, 从一群小朋友上涨颤抖的手,那是我朋友的妹妹,姑姑之一,
And she said, "Clay, I saw it all and it was Clint!" 她说, “克莱,我看到了这一切,它是克林特! ”
Well, Clint yelled out, "You lyin' inbred!" and Clay cried, "You little punk, you're dead! 那么,克林特大吼一声:“你胡扯近亲繁殖! ”和粘土哭了, “你这个小混蛋,你死定了!
You meet me at the Y soccer fields a quarter after dark." 你遇见我,在在Y足球天黑后字段的一个季度。 “
Clint said, "I didn't hit that piece of crap, but nobody talks to me like that, 克林特说, “我没有打那一块垃圾,但没有人跟我说话那样,
And you're gonna wish you never called me out to that park." 而且你会希望你永远叫我出去到公园。 “
o don't turn away, you don't have to run; every day has a rising sun, o不要转身离去,你不必跑;每一天都有一个冉冉升起的太阳,
And one day yours is gonna come and take your blues away. 有一天,你是会来,并把你的蓝调之遥。
So don't turn away, keep your toes on the line, 所以,不要转身离去,让你的脚趾就行了,
Keep your head up kid, everything will be fine. 保持你的头的孩子,一切都会好起来的。
Those bitter grapes are gonna turn to wine, 那些痛苦的葡萄会轮到酒,
And wash your blues away. So don't turn away. 和洗你的忧郁了。所以,不要转身离去。
Well, dusk bit into the far horizon, it's teethmarks found a dust trail rising, 嗯,有点黄昏到遥远的地平线,它的teethmarks找到了灰尘足迹上升,
Across the clay alley towards the vending machines. 对各地的自动售货机粘土馆。
At first nobody really noticed, 'till the dustcloud hit the soccer goals, 起初,没有人真正注意到, “直到dustcloud打足球的目标,
Then some kid yelled, "Hey, I think that's Clay Taylor's Jeep!" 然后一些的孩子喊道:“嘿,我认为这是克莱·泰勒的吉普! ”
He was gunning it, with the hammer down, 他开枪了,一锤子下去,
And when he got near us he spun it around and stuck the brakes until the gravel bled. 而当他靠近我们了,他纺它四处张贴刹车,直到碎石流血。
And we all stared at disbelief at the strangest sight I'd ever seen, 大家都盯着怀疑在我见过的最奇怪的景象,
A butt naked Clay Taylor, with pantyhose on his head. 一屁股裸体泥泰勒,与连裤袜在他的头上。
Now, you've got to know what this meant to us, this was pre-Braveheart and William Wallace, 现在,你要知道这是什么意思我们来说,这是预勇敢的心和威廉·华莱士,
Clay was revolutionizing the art of war in 1991. 粘土革命性孙子兵法于1991年。
It was weird as hell, downright frightening, as he called for the man he was supposed to fight, 这件事很奇怪得要命,简直是可怕的,因为他呼吁该名男子,他应该打,
But who could know the horrorshow had only just begun. 但谁也知道horrorshow才刚刚开始。
So don't turn away, you don't have to run; every day has a rising sun, 所以,不要转身离开,你没有运行;每一天都有一个冉冉升起的太阳,
And one day yours is gonna come and take your blues away. 有一天,你是会来,并把你的蓝调之遥。
So don't turn away. 所以,不要转身离去。
We were shocked, speechless, the field was silent, 我们被震惊了,说不出话来,现场沉默了,
'till a growl pierced the air like a mountain lion's, 直到咆哮划破空气如山狮,
and got closer and closer shaking needles from the trees. 并得到了从树上密切晃动的针。
Kids were looking around, all confused, cause the sound grew near but there was still no view, 孩子们环顾四周,所有的迷茫,导致声音附近长大,但仍然没有意见,
'Till the southside of the crowd let out in screams. 直到人群的南边放出来的尖叫声。
And the sea of people all around, parted to reveal a clown, running full speed with a chainsaw in his hands, 与人山人海周围的一切,分手露出一个小丑,全速运行,在他手中的电锯,
I'd never seen a clown in full sprint, then I realized "Hey, that's really Clint. And I do believe he aims to kill a man." 我从来没有见过在全力冲刺小丑,后来我意识到:“嘿,这真的克林特。而且我相信他的目标是杀了人。 ”
Now there is one thing scarier than a mad clown, that's a midget on crank and there ain't many around, 现在有一件事比一个疯狂的小丑可怕,那是在曲柄上的侏儒,而且也没有很多身边,
To be honest, I've never seen one in the real. 说实话,我从来没有见过一个在真实的。
So the whole crowd got spooked and ran, and left a solitary man, 所以整个人群得到了惊吓跑了,留下一个孤独的人,
Standing in the middle of a trampled soccer field. 站在一个践踏足球场的中间。
Well it really doesn't matter who won or lost, I can only say that Clint paid the cost, 那么它真的无所谓谁赢了还是输了,我只能说,克林特付出的代价,
Of an ill-fated rumor and a heart of pride. 一个命运多舛的谣言和骄傲的心脏。
It wasn't his fault how things turned out, he tried to have something that he was born without, 这不是他的错,怎么事情翻了出来,他想拥有的东西,他生来就没有,
The kind of toughness a few like Clay keep trapped inside. 那种韧性好几个像克莱里一直被困。
The kind that looks someone square in the eye, as he's rushin' at you in a clown disguise, 看起来有人方形的眼睛,因为他的仓促,你在一个小丑伪装的那种,
Brandishing a Yamaha chainsaw from his Daddy's toolshed. 挥舞着从他爸爸的工具室雅马哈电锯。
And not flinchin' a bit, not bitin' yer lip, 而不是flinchin 了一下,不bitin “揭掉唇,
Not quiverin' shiverin', or faking a limp. 不quiverin shiverin “ ,或伪造跛行。
Just spittin' out whiskey right there in the mud, and sayin' "Bring it on, son." 只是吐口水在泥泞中走出威士忌在那里,并说 “来吧,孩子。 ”
Well, that's the stuff you only see in Albany, 嗯,这东西你只能看到在奥尔巴尼,
Clay might have been crazy but he was braver than any other SOB I've seen in all my years. 粘土可能是疯了,但他比我见过的这么多年任何其他狗娘养的勇敢。
So when the taxman calls, or rent gets late, 因此,当税务人员称,或出租时候不早了,
Or we've played a show, and we didn't get paid, 或者我们已经起了节目,我们没有得到报酬,
I think, "Well it ain't no chainsaw bearing clown, so what do I got to fear." 我认为, “那么它是不是没有电锯轴承小丑,所以做什么我有恐惧。 ”
So don't turn away, you don't have to run; every day brings a rising sun, 所以,不要转身离开,你没有运行;每一天带来了初升的太阳,
And one day yours is gonna come and take your blues away. 有一天,你是会来,并把你的蓝调之遥。
So don't turn away, keep your toes on the line, 所以,不要转身离去,让你的脚趾就行了,
Keep your head up kid, everything will be fine, 保持你的头的孩子,一切都会好起来的,
Those bitter grapes are gonna turn to wine, 那些痛苦的葡萄会轮到酒,
And take your blues away. 并把你的忧郁了。
歌词 Don't Turn Away 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:
- Whirlwind
- Our World
- New Train
- Postcard Home
- Little Susie
- Plain
- Under FM Waves
- Dougherty County
- Willie Nelson
- Don't Turn Away
- 相关歌词
- Turn It Up, Turn Me On
- I Turn To You
- Crazy
- Turn The Lights Out
- Turn To Stone
- Turn It Up (I Like The Sound Of That)
- Turn, Turn, Turn (To Everything There Is A Season)
- Turn, Turn, Turn
- Turnt Up
- Turn It Up
- 推荐歌词
- Making A Name For Ourselves
- Where Do You Start?
- Rock 'n' Roll Juvenile
- Impossible
- Yanni Depp
- When I Get To The Green Building
- Can't Help Falling In Love
- Is There Something
- Over The Line
- Red Rose Café
- New Amsterdam
- Drums Are Too Noisy
- You Set Me Free
- It Ain't A Party
- Juggathon
- Only Love Is Real
- The Taste
- Don't Sell Out
- What's Good
- Intel-Lú (La Comemielda)
- "Don't Turn Away" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."Don't Turn Away" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "Don't Turn Away" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "Don't Turn Away" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。