歌词 "Don't Stop" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Don't Stop



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Twinkle toes, I think I found the soul 闪烁的脚趾,我想我找到了灵魂

To make me happily ever after 为了过上让我快乐地

Twinkle toes, I'm glad you shot your bow 闪烁的脚趾,我很高兴你拍你的弓

Into the arms of my savior 进入我的救世主的怀抱

Can I say that I am somebody's world? 我可以说,我是别人的世界吗?

How do I live alone with nowhere to go no 我该如何独自生活无处可去无


I say I love you 我说我爱你

And I'll say it more 我会说更多

My one and only 我的唯一

I can't lose so 我不能失去这样


[Chorus] [合唱]

Don't stop doing what you do 不要停止做你做了什么

Have I paid my dues just to be with you? 有我付了费,只为与你?

Don't stop doing what you do 不要停止做你做了什么

I will be your something old, new, borrowed, blue 我将是你的老东西,新的,借来的,蓝色的

Don't stop doing what you do 不要停止做你做了什么

Coz that makes you my man 表兄弟姐妹,让你我的男人


Gatekeeper, I am down on my knees 看门人,我对我的膝盖

I need your key to free my stranger 我需要你的钥匙来释放我的陌生人

Gatekeeper, I will knock down your door 看门人,我会击倒你的门

And I don't care if you call yourself the Reaper 而我,如果你称自己是死神不在乎


Tick-tock clock, I say bye-bye 滴答滴答的时钟,我说再见

I found a reason to be done with time 我找到了一个理由要与时间进行


I say I love you 我说我爱你

And I'll say it more 我会说更多

My one and only 我的唯一

I can't lose so 我不能失去这样


[Chorus] [合唱]

Don't stop doing what you do 不要停止做你做了什么

Have I paid my dues just to be with you? 有我付了费,只为与你?

Don't stop doing what you do 不要停止做你做了什么

I will be your something old, new, borrowed, blue 我将是你的老东西,新的,借来的,蓝色的

Don't stop doing what you do 不要停止做你做了什么

Coz that makes you my man 表兄弟姐妹,让你我的男人


Can you understand 你能理解

Hmmm that baby, you're my man? 嗯宝贝,你是我的男人?


I say I love you 我说我爱你

And I'll say it more 我会说更多

My one and only 我的唯一

I can't lose 我不能失去


No, don't stop being what you be 不,不停止为你们是什么

Doing what you do 做你做了什么

Don't stop being you 不要停止你正在

No, no, no, no, no, no, no 不,不,不,不,不,不,不

Don't stop 不要停止

No, I can't 不,我不能

No, I can't lose you 不,我不能失去你


So don't stop doing what you do 所以,不要停止做你做了什么

Have I paid my dues just to be with you? 有我付了费,只为与你?

Don't stop doing what you do 不要停止做你做了什么

I will be your something old, new, borrowed and blue 我将是你的老东西,新,有借,有蓝

Don't stop doing what you do 不要停止做你做了什么

Don't stop doing what you do so 不要停止做你这样做

Don't stop doing what you do 不要停止做你做了什么

Coz that makes you my man 表兄弟姐妹,让你我的男人

歌词 Don't Stop 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/don_t-stop-23/