歌词 "Don't Be There" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Don't Be There



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Don't be there 不要在那里

'Cause I'm on my way 因为我对我的方式


And I'm already gone over 而我已经走了过来

And I'm on my way 我对我的方式


And I can't recall myself 我不记得自己

How I went down 怎么我去了

Did I get shot 难道我被枪杀

Or shoot myself 或者自己拍


I'm down here 我在这儿

And you're way up there 和你一路有


But that doesn't hurt badly 但是,这并不伤的很重

But it stings right here 但它刺在这里


And I won't pretend there's 我不会假装有

Nothing there 什么也没有

You be around and I'll be square 您左右,我会多

Don't be alarmed if I'm not there 如果我不在那里,不要惊慌

You be around and I'll be square 您左右,我会多


If you're a rose 如果你是一个玫瑰

Then I'm the thorn 那么我的刺

That's in your side 这是在你的身边


And does it hurt badly 和它伤的很重

'Cause it burns right here 因为那燃烧在这里


I'd like to say hello 我想打个招呼

I'd like to say I care 我想要说我照顾

I'd like to let you know 我想要让你知道

That nothing here's the same with me 在这里,没有什么是一样的我

Nothing here's the same 这里没有任何东西是相同的


Don't be around 不要左右

Don't be there 不要在那里

歌词 Don't Be There 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/don_t-be-there/