歌词 "Dollar Sign" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dollar Sign



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Chorus] [合唱]

I'm so fucking paid I just bought the dollar sign 我太他妈的支付我刚买的美元符号

I'm so fucking paid I just bought the dollar sign 我太他妈的支付我刚买的美元符号

I'm so fucking paid I just bought the dollar sign 我太他妈的支付我刚买的美元符号

I just bought the dollar sign 我刚买的美元符号

I just bought the dollar sign 我刚买的美元符号


Please man call Obama I wanna buy the dollar sign 请人致电奥巴马我想要买的美元符号

Just like first day of school my swag killed em like colombine 就像学校的第一天,我杀了赃物EM像colombine

The dollar signs my logo and guccis my clothing line 的美元符号我的标志和guccis我的服装系列

Put on that purple label polo and them hoes say damn he fine 穿上了紫色标签马球和他们的锄头说他该死的罚款

Should be able to keep her so I keep her 应该能够保留她的,所以我让她

Feed her treat her like a diva 喂她对待她像一个女歌手

My fetish in costa rica cuz she know that I'm a cheater 我在哥斯达黎加的神物因为她知道,我是个骗子

What up the cost of living 怎么了生活成本

I feel like a trillion bucks 我觉得自己像一万亿钱

Got beef with a million fuck niggas I dont give a fuck 有牛肉百万他妈的黑鬼我不给他妈的

? on south beach where my house is ?在南海滩,在那里我家

Any where on earth my turf but I'm so down south aligator couches 在地球上我的地盘的任何地方,但我太南下鳄鱼沉重的沙发

A public service announcement 一个公共服务公告

Gucci so fucking paid pay 2 stacks just for a fade 古奇太他妈的支付工资2栈只是一个褪色

Bitches surfing on my waves 母犬冲浪在我的波


[Chorus] [合唱]


By the bar and I own the club 在酒吧和我自己的俱乐部

Cant own the bar cuz I'm superstar 着自己的吧因为我是超级巨星

I'm so turnt up cant turn me down 我很turnt了不能拒绝我

Blowing punds thats higher than jupiter 吹punds这就是比木星高

I'm hot turning up lucifer 我热翻了路西法

At club crucial in a stoopid car 在俱乐部的stoopid汽车关键

Every verse my flow gets stoopider 每首诗我的流程变得stoopider

My producer dont want to produce for ya 我的制片人不希望产生的亚

? my bank account on steroids ?类固醇我的银行帐户

My stash aint got no room for it 我藏匿AINT有没有房间吧

New drop head paid cash for it 新的下降头支付的现金为它

Ferrari 220 on the dashboard 法拉利220的仪表板

Long rich nigga wait here his crash course 长富兄弟们在这里等着他速成班

I pull up to the club in a fast porche 我拉了俱乐部在快保时捷

When I leave all the hoes give a sad voice 当我把所有的锄头给一个忧郁的声音

Got bills to pay and things to do 有账单要付和要做的事情

New hoes to screw and business moves 新锄头螺丝和移动业务

Imma business man whats the business plan 伊马商人什么商业计划书

Used to rip it in the band for the extra grand 用来撕的乐队的额外盛大

I'm successful man hell yes I am 我成功的男人到底是我

Dead fresh I am bought an extra lamb 死了新鲜的我买了一个额外的羔羊

And I dont never ask how much it cost 我从来不问多少成本

Thats silly cuz I dont really give a damn 这就是傻因为我真的不给一个该死的


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Dollar Sign 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dollar-sign/

歌词 Dollar Sign 的作者与版权信息:


Jerry Duplessis, Ladonnis Crump, Arden Altino, Radric Davis


Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Te-bass Music Inc., Ladonnis Crump Pub Designee, Big R Publishing, Emi April Music Inc., Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., Wonda Songs Inc., Radric Davis Publishing LLC, WB Music Corp.