歌词 "Do You Know Where Your Woman Is Tonight?" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Do You Know Where Your Woman Is Tonight?



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Do you know where your woman is tonight? 你知道你的女人是今晚?

Do you know if she's sleepin' alone tonight? 你知道,如果她独自睡觉今晚?

Well, you might be right and you might be wrong 那么,你可能是正确的,你可能是错的

when you say you trust her alone. 当你说你信任她一个人。

But this rock 'n roll road has led you far into the night. 但这种摇滚的道路已到深夜带领你。

Do you know where your woman is tonight? 你知道你的女人是今晚?

So you think you know where your woman spends her time 所以,你认为你知道你的女人花自己的时间

And you think you know her every rhythm and rhyme 而你认为你知道她的每一个节奏和韵律

Well, I thought so too, baby, long a ago 嗯,我也这么认为,婴儿,长有前

But now I know how a blind man sees. 但现在我知道一个瞎子看见。

'Cause this rock 'n roll road has led you far into the night. “因为这摇滚的道路,导致你到深夜。

Do you know where your woman is tonight? 你知道你的女人是今晚?

歌词 Do You Know Where Your Woman Is Tonight? 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/do-you-know-where-your-woman-is-tonight/