歌词 "Do You Know What I Love The Most?" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Do You Know What I Love The Most?



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Do you know what I love the most? 你知道我最喜欢的?

Even suburbs would be o.k. 即使是郊区将O.K.

With you between my sheets 有了你我的床单之间

And the breeze in the window 和在窗口中的微风

'Cause we will go there and ignore all our neighbors 因为我们会去那里,而忽略所有邻国

I think I'll bring you breakfast and play Johnny Cash on the stereo 我想我会为你带来早餐和玩约翰尼·卡什的立体

I'll sit in the lazy chair all day remembering the things you do 我将在慵懒的椅子上,整天坐在记住你做的事情

So when you come home 所以,当你回家

I'll jump up to kiss you and it will knock you back 我会跳起来亲吻你,它会敲你回来

You'll fall over our TV set 您一定会在我们的电视机

I'll pick you up and dust you off 我来接你和灰尘你了

Oh, Baby let's give it a go 哦,宝贝,让我们给它一个去

I'll kiss your thighs to make you feel all right 我会亲吻你的大腿让你感觉好吗

And then I'll get closer to taste a little sweat 然后我会更贴近味道有点汗

Oh I think I'm rearing to go 哦,我想我养去

You're gonna get knocked out and tied up in my trunk 你会得到淘汰,并绑在我的树干

In ten years we'll go to Ohio and steal Cadillac's for a living. 在十年内,我们会去俄亥俄州和窃取凯迪拉克为生。

歌词 Do You Know What I Love The Most? 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/do-you-know-what-i-love-the-most/