歌词 "DJ" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I need something I can dance to 我需要的东西,我可以跳舞

On and on 论和

Spin my world like a record now 旋转我的世界就像一个纪录,现在

On and on 论和

Give me something I can dance to 给我的东西,我可以跳舞

Something I can count on 这是我可以依靠

On and on 论和

Spin my world like a record now 旋转我的世界就像一个纪录,现在

On and on 论和

I need something I can dance to 我需要的东西,我可以跳舞


And every night I pray 每天晚上我祈祷

You'd let me 你让我

Can you hear me now DJ 你能听到我的DJ

You're gone tomorrow but 你明天走了,但

Just let the music play 只是让音乐播放

Just let me 就让我

Just let the music play 只是让音乐播放

Let the music play 让音乐播放


I could be dancing 我可以跳舞

I could be dancing all night 我就可以整夜跳舞

If you would play 如果你想打

I would be dancing 我会跳舞

I would be doing all right 我会做所有正确的

If you would play 如果你想打


I need something I can turn to 我需要的东西,我可以谈谈

Now and then 现在再

Take me out 带我出去

Out and out 不折不扣

On and on 论和

I need something I can turn to 我需要的东西,我可以谈谈

Something I can count in 什么事情我可以算在

Day and night 白天和黑夜

On and on 论和

Like a record now 像现在的记录

Out and out 不折不扣

I need something I can dance to 我需要的东西,我可以跳舞


And every night I pray 每天晚上我祈祷

You'd let me 你让我

Can you hear me now DJ 你能听到我的DJ

You're gone tomorrow but 你明天走了,但

Just let the music play 只是让音乐播放

Just let me 就让我

Just let the music play 只是让音乐播放

Let the music play 让音乐播放


I could be dancing 我可以跳舞

I could be dancing all night 我就可以整夜跳舞

If you would play 如果你想打

I would be dancing 我会跳舞

I would be doing all right 我会做所有正确的

If you would play 如果你想打


If you would play 如果你想打


If you would play 如果你想打



I could be dancing 我可以跳舞

I could be dancing all night 我就可以整夜跳舞

If you would play 如果你想打

I would be dancing 我会跳舞

I would be doing all right (all right) 我会做所有正确的(没事)

If you would, you would, you would, you would play 如果你想,你会,你会,你会玩


Whoa-oh-oh-oh 哇,哦,哦,哦

I would be dancing 我会跳舞

I would be doing all right (all right) 我会做所有正确的(没事)

If you would play 如果你想打


Just let the music play 只是让音乐播放

Let the music play 让音乐播放

Just let the music play 只是让音乐播放

All night 整整一夜

All right

Just let the music play 只是让音乐播放

Let the music play 让音乐播放

All night 整整一夜

Let the music play 让音乐播放

All night 整整一夜

Just let the music play 只是让音乐播放

Let the music play 让音乐播放

All right

Just let the music play 只是让音乐播放


歌词 DJ 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dj/

歌词 DJ 的作者与版权信息:


Anders Bonlokke


Good Songs Publishing As