歌词 "Dirty Rat" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dirty Rat


歌词相关歌手:ZUTONS, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If you see me walking with my head faced down 如果你看到我走了我的脑袋朝下

Walking as I'm trying to cover up from my frown 步行作为我试图从我皱眉掩饰

Don't think I haven't seen you before, you've seen me 别以为我没有见过你,你见过我

Don't think I don't remember what happened last week 别以为我不记得上周发生了什么


You awoke in the night, you left my bed 你醒了,在晚上,你离开了我的床

Leaving me with questions in my drunken head 留下我在我醉酒的头问题

Where'd you go, what'd you do? 你去哪儿了,你怎么办?

Where's my money gone? 哪里是我的钱到哪里去了?

You took it when you realised what you've done 你把它当你意识到你做了什么


It's okay, it's alright 没关系,这是正常的

We can take it easy tonight 我们可以把它今晚容易

But in time there'll be hell 但假以时日就会有地狱

From the secret that you do not tell 从这个秘密,你不要告诉


Cause I was caught messin' 因为我被抓messin

(caught in the act) (夹在行动)

Well, I shouldn't have been messin' 好吧,我不应该被messin

(you're just a dirty rat) (你只是一个肮脏的老鼠)


Laughs & friends, and friends & laughs 笑和朋友,和朋友与笑

Company you keep, company you had 公司你留着,你公司有

He approached me in the stall 他在地摊上找我

He mentions your name 他提到了你的名字

Said that it was me 说,这是我

And then gave me the blame 然后给我的责任

Oh, he punched me in the face 哦,他一拳打在我的脸上

That's all as I recall 这就是我记得

I woke up in the hospital 我在医院醒来时

With blood on the walls 用鲜血在墙上


As I opened my eyes, I see my wife 当我睁开眼睛,我看到我的妻子

She asked what happened on that night 她问发生了什么事的那个晚上


It's okay, it's alright 没关系,这是正常的

We can take it easy tonight 我们可以把它今晚容易

But in time there'll be hell 但假以时日就会有地狱

From the secret that you do not tell 从这个秘密,你不要告诉


Well, it's cold outside and I'm walking home 嗯,这是外面冷,我走回家

I found you took the battery outta my phone 我发现你把电池离开我的手机

Oh make it, there's only about an hour to go 哦,让它,有大约只需要一个小时就到了

Walking through the miserable winter cold 通过惨冬无严寒走


Cause I was caught messin' 因为我被抓messin

(caught in the act) (夹在行动)

Well, I shouldn't have been messin' 好吧,我不应该被messin

(you're just a dirty rat) (你只是一个肮脏的老鼠)

Now I can't stop guessin' 现在,我不能停止guessin “

We can all learn a lesson 我们都可以从中汲取教训


It's okay, it's alright 没关系,这是正常的

We can take it easy tonight 我们可以把它今晚容易

歌词 Dirty Rat 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dirty-rat/