歌词 "Diggin' Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Diggin' Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

They diggin me' look at everybody diggin me,diggin me.They diggin me, look at everybody diggin me. Look 他们陷我“看着大家陷我,陷me.They陷我,看着大家都陷我。看

at everybody diggin me, they diggin me. look at everybody diggin me. 在每个人都陷我,他们陷我。看看大家都陷我。


I see ya lookin at me, you wanna know whats happening, Do I want them keys or them keys streamin till 我看到雅看着我,你想知道发生了什么,难道我要他们钥匙或它们的键streamin到

rappin. Till I live that life, now I'm living right, you see this necklace around my neck, filled with so 说唱。直到我住的生活,现在我住吧,你看在我脖子上这条项链,充斥着这样

much ice, and my packets fat, like I got the momps, until you haters come on and try to play me like i'm 多少冰,我的包发,就像我得到的外膜蛋白,直到你的仇敌加油,努力发挥我像我

a cump, we go them killers on our team and they ready ta dump, I hope you dig that, cause this aint where à cump ,我们去他们在我们队的杀手,他们准备TA倾倒,我希望你挖的是,造成这个地方AINT

its at. Just keep a gangsta up help a player spin up these stacks, cause that beef shit, na you dont want 它的。只要保持一个匪帮帮助玩家旋转起来这些筹码,导致牛肉狗屎,呐,你不想要

that. We 50 deep with them twos everywhere we at. So you better check a hole and nigger try and fuck that. 这一点。我们50深与他们三三两两无处不在,我们在。所以你最好检查孔和黑奴尝试他妈的。


They diggin me, look at everybody diggin me, diggin me.They diggin me,diggin me, diggin me look at 他们陷我,看着大家都陷我,陷me.They陷我,陷我,陷我看看

everybodt diggin me, diggin me, they diggin me look at everybody diggin me, diggin me. everybodt陷我,陷我,他们陷我看大家都陷我,陷我。


One step threw da door, they loadding me, D4L they chasing the ices, 一步扔大门口,他们loadding我, D4L他们追逐的冰,


GOT MORE TO GO GET BACK WIT YA AS FAST AS I CAN! 得到了更多的去获得返回机智雅一样快,我可以!

歌词 Diggin' Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/diggin_-me/

歌词 Diggin' Me 的作者与版权信息:


Lefabian Williams


Artist Publishing Group West, Perry Homes Music Publishing