歌词 "DIA" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I receive 我收到

Your signal, "down" 你的信号, “下”

So you see 所以你看

I found you out 我找到你了

Shoot the lights we'll get out right and follow this heart 拍我们走出正确的灯光,并按照这个心脏

Shoot the lights we'll get out right and follow this heart 拍我们走出正确的灯光,并按照这个心脏

Something fades away 东西消失了

I never lost you 我从来没有失去你

Circle my mistakes 圆我的错误

I never lost you for good 我从来没有失去你的好

A'int I somethin' Aint ì事端

I feel nothin' 我觉得没什么

I could never hide 我从不隐瞒

Am I bluffin'? 我在bluffin ?

Am I just denied? 我只是拒绝?


Mirror, mirror 镜子,镜子

Reflect this scream 反映这种尖叫

I've held my belief 我一直握着我的信仰

Beside these dreams 除了这些梦想


I can't guess where we'll be tomorrow 我不能想,我们明天会

Just one wish: 只有一个愿望:

Rumours of tomorrow 明天的谣言

Can I face tomorrow with you? 我可以明天面对你?


To the nines 的花枝招展

You want it all 你想要的一切

I perceive you'll sell me out 我看你就卖给我了

Shoot the lights we'll get out right and swallow this heart 拍我们走出正确的灯光,有苦难言心脏

Shoot the lights we'll get out right in time 拍摄的灯光,我们会走出正确的时间


Mirror, mirror 镜子,镜子

Reflect this scream 反映这种尖叫

I've held my belief 我一直握着我的信仰

Beside these dreams 除了这些梦想


Can I face tomorrow with you? 我可以明天面对你?

Can I face tomorrow with you? 我可以明天面对你?

Drag me to the hollows and choose: 拖我的空洞,然后选择:


The lanterns swing, the swans lie low 华灯初上摆动,天鹅趴低

We stand alone: 我们独立:


A'int I somethin' Aint ì事端

I feel nothin' 我觉得没什么

I can't help but try 我也忍不住尝试

Am I bluffin'? 我在bluffin ?

Have I just denied? 难道我只是被拒绝?


Mirror, mirror 镜子,镜子

I've lingered long 我长期徘徊

Perchance to dream the sweetest dream 偶尔做做梦的最美的梦

Mirror, mirror 镜子,镜子

Reflect this scream 反映这种尖叫

For dreams that long to be 对于梦想的长须


Can I face tomorrow with you? 我可以明天面对你?

Can I face tomorrow with you? 我可以明天面对你?

Drag me to the hollows and choose alone 拖我到凹陷,独自选择

Choose the loss 选择亏损

Choose the sea 选择海

The longest walk 最长的步行路程

歌词 DIA 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dia/

歌词 DIA 的作者与版权信息:


William Patrick Corgan


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.