Dental Hygiene Dilemma
[Bad Conscience:] Han min noon toon han toon han [坏良心的事: ]韩敏中午香椿香椿汉汉
[Good Conscience:] No, Jeff! [问心无愧: ]不,杰夫!
[Bad Conscience:] Han toon ran toon ran toon fran min han toon ran toon nan toon fram [坏良心的事: ]韩香椿香椿跑了跑香椿弗兰韩敏香椿香椿跑楠椿FRAM
[Good Conscience:] No no no! [问心无愧: ]不,不,不!
[Jeff:] Man! This stuff is great! It's just as if Donovan himself had appeared on my very own TV with words of peace, love, and eternal cosmic wisdom . . . ! Leading me. Guiding me. On paths of everlasting pseudo-karmic negligence, in the very midst of my drug-induced nocturnal emission. [杰夫: ]男子!这东西太棒了!这就像多诺万本人曾经出现在我的和平,爱和永恒的宇宙智慧的话自己的电视。 。 。 !领导我。指导我。在永恒的伪因果报应的疏忽,在我的药物引起遗精的很之中的路径。
[Good Conscience:] Oh, I am your good conscience, Jeff. I know all. I see all. I am a cosmic love pulse matrix, become a technicolor interpositive! [问心无愧: ]哦,我是你的亏心事,杰夫。我知道所有。我看到所有。我是一个宇宙的爱脉冲矩阵,成为Technicolor的interpositive !
[Jeff:] Okay . . . Where'd you buy that incense? It's hip. [杰夫: ]好吧。 。 。你从哪里买的香?它的臀部。
[Good Conscience:] It's the same and mysterious exotic oriental fragrance as what the Beatles get off on. [问心无愧: ]这是相同的,神秘的异国情调的东方香味正如披头士下车。
[Jeff:] I thought I recognized it . . . Sniff, sniff . . . Mmm, what is that, MUSK? Sniff, sniff, sniff . . . mmmh! [杰夫: ]我以为我认出来了。 。 。嗅,嗅。 。 。嗯,那是什么,麝香?嗅嗅,嗅,嗅。 。 。 mmmh !
[Good Conscience:] Jeff, I know what's good for you. [问心无愧: ]杰夫,我知道什么是对你有好处。
[Jeff:] Right. You're heavy. [杰夫: ]对。你是沉重的。
[Good Conscience:] Yes, Jeff, I am your guiding light. Listen to me. Don't rip off the towels, Jeff! [问心无愧: ]是的,杰夫,我是你的指路明灯。听我说。不要撕掉毛巾,杰夫!
[Bad Conscience:] Piss off, you little nitwit! [坏良心的事: ]滚开,你这个小笨蛋!
[Jeff:] Hey man, what's the deal? [杰夫: ]嘿,伙计,这是怎么回事?
[Good Conscience:] Don't listen to him, Jeff, he's no good. He'll make you do BAD THINGS! [问心无愧: ]不要听他的,杰夫,他是没有好。他会让你做坏事!
[Jeff:] You mean, he'll make me sin? [杰夫:你是说,他会成为我的罪吗?
[Good Conscience:] Yes, Jeff. SIN! [问心无愧: ]是的,杰夫。单!
[Jeff:] Wow! [杰夫: ]哇!
[Bad Conscience:] Jeff, I'd like to have a word with you . . . about your soul. [坏良心的事: ]杰夫,我想有一个词你。 。 。关于你的灵魂。
[Good Conscience:] No, don't listen, Jeff. [问心无愧: ]不,不听,杰夫。
[Bad Conscience:] Why are you wasting your life, night after night playing this comedy music? [坏良心的事: ]整夜玩这个喜剧音乐你为什么要浪费你的生命,晚上?
[Jeff:] You're right, I'm too heavy to be in this group. [杰夫: ]你说得对,我太沉重,在这个组中。
[Good Conscience:] Comedy music . . . [问心无愧:]喜剧音乐。 。 。
[Bad Conscience:] Jeff, YOUR SOUL! [坏良心的事: ]杰夫,你的灵魂!
Oh . . . 呵呵。 。 。
He's 他
Too heavy to 过重
Be . . . 是。 。 。
[Jeff:] In this group, all I ever get to do is play Zappa's comedy music. HE EATS! [杰夫:在这一组中,所有我得到做的是发挥扎帕的音乐喜剧。他吃!
[Good Conscience:] Jeff! [问心无愧: ]杰夫!
[Jeff:] I get so tense! [杰夫: ]我得到这么紧张!
[Bad Conscience:] Of course you do, my boy. [坏良心的事: ]当然,你做什么,我的孩子。
[Jeff:] The stuff he makes me do is always off the wall! [杰夫: ]他让我做的东西总是在墙上!
[Bad Conscience:] That's why it would be best to leave his stern employ. [坏良心的事: ]这就是为什么它是最好离开他的严厉运用。
[Jeff:] And quit the group! [杰夫: ]并退出组!
[Bad Conscience:] You'll make it big! [坏良心的事: ]你会让它大!
[Jeff:] That's right. [杰夫: ]这是正确的。
[Bad Conscience:] Of course! [坏良心的事: ]当然!
[Jeff:] And then I won't be SMALL! [杰夫: ]然后我也不会小!
Ha ha ha ha ha! 哈哈哈哈哈!
Ha ha ha! 哈哈哈!
Ti-diddly-diddly-dee TI- diddly - diddly - 迪
Ha, ha, ha . . . 哈,哈,哈。 。 。
He-he-he-he-heh! 他,他,他,他,嘿!
[Jeff:] Cough, cough. Ahmet Ertegun used this towel as a bathmat six weeks ago at a rancid motel in Orlando, Florida, with the highest MILDEW rating of any commercial lodging facility within the territorial limits of the United States, naturally excluding tropical possessions . . . It's still damp. What an aroma! This is the best I ever got off! What can I say about this elixir? Try it on steaks! Cleans nylons! Small craft warnings! It's made for the home! The office! On fruits! [杰夫: ]咳,咳。艾哈迈德Ertegun用这种毛巾的地巾六周前在佛罗里达州奥兰多市腐臭的汽车旅馆,随着美国领土范围内的任何商业住宿设施最高防霉等级,当然不包括热带财产。 。 。它仍然潮湿。什么是香味!这是我曾经有过的最好的!我能说什么这个灵药?试试它的牛排!清洗尼龙!小艇警告!它是由为家!办公室!水果!
[Bad Conscience:] This is the real you, Jeff. Rip off a few more ashtrays. Get rid of some of that inner tension. Quit the comedy group! Get your own group together. Heavy! Like GRAND FUNK! Or BLACK SABBATH . . . [坏良心的事: ]这是真实的你,杰夫。懵了几个烟灰缸。改掉一些内在张力。退出喜剧团!让自己的一组。重!像盛大恐怖!或黑色安息日。 。 。
[Good Conscience:] No, Jeff . . . [问心无愧: ]不,杰夫。 。 。
[Jeff:] Like COVEN! [杰夫: ]像巫!
[Good Conscience:] Peace . . . Love . . . [问心无愧: ]和平。 。 。爱。 。 。
[Bad Conscience:] Bollocks! [坏良心的事: ]胡说!
[Jeff:] What can I say about this elixir? [杰夫: ]我能说这个灵药?
[Mark:] Jeff has gone out there on that stuff! [标记: ]杰夫已经在那里上的东西!
[Bad Conscience:] He should have never have used the elixir and only stuck to the incense. Oh, Atlantis . . . [坏良心的事: ]他应该从来没有使用过的灵药,只停留在熏香。哦,亚特兰蒂斯。 。 。
[Mark:] That was BILLY THE MOUNTAIN, dressed up like Donovan, fading out on the wall-mounted TV screen. Jeff IS flipping out. Road fatigue! We've got to get him back to normal before Zappa finds out, and steals it, and makes him do it in the movie! [标记: ]这是比利华山,穿着像多诺万,淡出壁挂式电视屏幕上。杰夫是翻转出来。路的疲劳!我们得让他恢复正常之前,扎帕发现了,并且窃取它,并让他做的电影!
[Bad Conscience:] You have a brilliant career ahead of you, my boy, Just GET OUT OF THIS GROUP! [坏良心的事: ]就在你面前你一个辉煌的职业生涯,我的孩子,干脆退出本组!
[Mark:] Howard, that was Studebacher Hoch, dressed up like Jim Pons, giving career guidance to the bass player of a rock-oriented comedy group. Jeff's imagination has gone beyond the fringe of audience comprehension. Jeff, Jeff, it's me, the Phlorescent Leech! [标记: ]霍华德,那是Studebacher霍奇,穿着像吉姆·庞斯,以摇滚为主的喜剧团的贝斯手给予职业指导。杰夫的想象力已经超越了观众的理解的边缘。杰夫,杰夫,这是我的Phlorescent水蛭!
[Howard:] Jeff, Jeff, it's me, Eddie! [霍华德]杰夫,杰夫,是我,埃迪!
[Mark: (right channel)] Put it on your steaks, uh, send it overseas, [?] ground, and put it on you surfboard so you won't slip off. Try it on your [Jim Bean Boy], and on the, the red balloons, you can blow up all balloons with it. Put it on your . . . heh . . . on . . . on your pizza. Put it on your shoes, tie your mic with it, and fill up your tires with it. [马克: (右声道) ]把它放在你的牛排,呃,它在海外发送,地面,并把它放在你的冲浪板,所以你不会滑落[?] 。尝试在你的[吉姆豆小子] ,并在中,红气球,你可以炸掉所有的气球吧。把它放在你的。 。 。嘿。 。 。上。 。 。在你的披萨。把它放在你的鞋子,用它配合你的麦克风,并填写您的轮胎吧。
[Howard: (center)] Use it to clean your swimming pool, sell it to your mother and tell her it's a Rit tie-dye kit, you won't even believe what'll happen when you starch your shirt with it, ironing goes easier and your car windows never looked better in your whole life. Ladies and gentlemen, you can inhale it, and it makes your voice three keys higher, and you can't even stand what happens when you put it on your hair, as hair tonic. Heh, heh. And if you ever tried it as a . . . [霍华德: (中心) ]使用它来清洁您的游泳池,它卖给你的母亲,告诉她这是一个丽特扎染包,你甚至不会相信,当您淀粉的衬衫,它会发生什么,熨烫去容易,你的车窗户从来没有在你的一生看起来更好。女士们,先生们,你们可吸入它,它使你的声音三个按键更高,你甚至不能站立,当你把它放在你的头发会发生什么,因为护发素。嘿,嘿。如果你曾经尝试过的。 。 。
[Jim Pons: (left channel)] Soak your shirts in it, soak your teeth in it. Let it play the piano. Follow it around the block. Wear it instead of jeans. Bathe your puppies with it. Feed it to your ducks. Use it instead of chlorine in your swimming pool. Breathe it. Love it. [吉姆·庞斯: (左声道) ]浸泡衬衫在里面,泡你的牙齿了。让它弹钢琴。按照它在街区附近。穿牛仔裤它代替。洗澡的小狗吧。它喂的鸭子。在游泳池用氯来代替它。呼吸吧。爱它。
What? 什么?
What can I? 有什么可以吗?
What? 什么?
What can I say about this? 我能说一下吗?
歌词 Dental Hygiene Dilemma 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:
- Semi-Fraudulent / Direct-From-Hollywood Overture
- Mystery Roach
- This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue)
- Tuna Fish Promenade
- This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise)
- The Sealed Tuna Bolero
- Lonesome Cowboy Burt
- Would You Like A Snack?
- Redneck Eats
- Centerville
- She Painted Up Her Face
- Half A Dozen Provocative Squats
- Shove It Right In
- I'm Stealing The Towels
- Dental Hygiene Dilemma
- Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You?
- Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
- Penis Dimension
- What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning
- A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes
- Magic Fingers
- Dew On The Newts We Got
- The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts
- The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth
- The Girl's Dream
- Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce
- Strictly Genteel
- The Finale
- 相关歌词
- Arming The Proletariat With Potato Guns
- Turn It Up
- Gangsta
- Make It Hardcore
- It's De-Lovely
- YU And I
- Radio Daze
- Regret
- Punky's Dilemma
- Pimpin' Ain't Easy (The Godfather Theme)
- 推荐歌词
- No Hay Mal Que Por Bien No Venga
- Danger In The Manger
- Still Love
- Night Time Works
- Diamonds In The Sky
- High
- Endless Sacrifice
- You
- California One / Youth And Beauty Brigade
- Freedom
- Fast And Furious
- Darkest Place
- Touch My Heart
- Apollonia
- In Christ Alone
- All Or Nothing
- Mr. Siegal
- Rock And Roll Is Dead
- Lunatic
- There Is No Heart So Strong
- "Dental Hygiene Dilemma" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."Dental Hygiene Dilemma" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "Dental Hygiene Dilemma" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "Dental Hygiene Dilemma" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。