歌词 "Delicious" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

What a difference a day makes 多么大的变化,每天让

Silence so delicious on days like these 沉默等等像这些天的美味

And by the time that my resolve breaks 而到了时候,我的决心休息

I've already found the beauty down on my knees 我已经找到了美女对我的膝盖

You know i want to be something 你知道我想要的东西

I never want to be someone new 我从来没有想成为一个新的人

Some people telling me one thing 有人告诉我一件事

But i know if i fall i'll hold on to you 但我知道,如果我跌倒了,我会坚持下去,你


There must have been an angel inside my room 一定有我的房间里的天使

There must have been a smile somewhere in your star tatoo 一定有你的明星纹身的地方一直微笑

So twinkle twinkle in your eyes the way it should 所以闪烁在你的眼中闪烁的方式应该

There must have been an angel there inside my room 一定有天使有我的房间里


I've got the strength for believing 我有实力相信

Life is so contagious in times like these 生活在这样的时代极富感染力

You might say it's the season 你可能会说这是本赛季

And lift me up if i ask you please 并解除了我,如果我问你,请

I got a heart for intentions 我有一个心脏的意图

Don't always know where i'm gonna go 不要总是知道我要去

Lead you a different direction 带领您不同的方向

I can change your life if you let me grow 如果你让我成长,我可以改变你的生活

歌词 Delicious 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/delicious-6/