歌词 "Defeatist" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Trapped within your own apathy 在自己的冷漠被困

Spiraling into a cycle of loss 陷于亏损的循环

Beaten mind with a bruised reflection 被打的头脑,撞伤反射

It's addiction to failure of substances 这是成瘾物质的故障

That ties you to your selfish punishment 这就联系到你的自私的惩罚

In you eyes it's cursed 在你眼中它的诅咒

No fix, no cure, tortured with imperfection 没有修复,无药可治,折磨与缺陷

Your hatred is aimless 你的仇恨是漫无目的

This is my hatred, this is my vow 这是我的仇恨,这是我的誓言

Never to be broken 从来没有被打破

Erogenous 性感

Cause you HATE yourself 因为你恨自己

And you HATE this world 而你恨这个世界

And you HATE the fact 和你讨厌的事实

That you HATE every moment 你讨厌每一刻


Defeatist, you and I will never be the same! 失败主义者,你和我将永远是一样的!

I've taken this vow of hatred, TAKE THE VOW 我已经采取了这一誓言的仇恨,一同受戒

A promise to myself to never be my own defeatist 承诺,自己永远是我自己的失败主义者

This is my hatred, this is my vow 这是我的仇恨,这是我的誓言

Never to be broken 从来没有被打破


Cause you HATE yourself 因为你恨自己

And you HATE this world 而你恨这个世界

And you HATE the fact 和你讨厌的事实

That you HATE every moment 你讨厌每一刻


Defeatist, you and I will never be the same! 失败主义者,你和我将永远是一样的!


I take this vow 我在此许愿

I take this vow of hatred 我在此许愿的仇恨

I take this vow, never to be broken 我借此誓言,永远不会被打破

歌词 Defeatist 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/defeatist/

歌词 Defeatist 的作者与版权信息:


Matthew P. Byrne, Chris Beattie, Shanahan, Sean Martin


The Mark Of Clover Music, Brass City Music, Devastation Music, Crippling Velocity Music