歌词 "Decadance" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

In the ugliness of beauty 在美的丑

And when pretty is vicious 而当漂亮的恶性

You thought you were a voyeur 你以为你是个偷窥狂

But the irony is delicious 不过讽刺的是美味


Yeah, Yeah 是啊,是啊


In the access of excess 在过量的访问

The pigs are at the trough 猪处于低谷

You thought you had to fill 你以为你必须填写

But enough is never enough 但足以是远远不够的


Feel the decadance 感觉decadance

Feel the decadance 感觉decadance

Feel the decadance 感觉decadance


Enough is never enough 够是远远不够的


Young thrill seekers craving attention 年轻的寻求刺激的渴望关注

Thought you were special 还以为你是特别的

You never learned your lesson 你从来没有学过您的课


Feel the decadance 感觉decadance

Feel the decadance 感觉decadance

Feel the decadance 感觉decadance


[solo] [个人]


Feel the decadance 感觉decadance

Feel the decadance 感觉decadance

Feel the decadance 感觉decadance


Enough is never enough 够是远远不够的


Those that dare to question 那些敢于质疑

Those that dare to dream 那些敢于梦想

Buried alive in your shit 在你的屎活埋

No one can hear you scream 没有人能听到你的尖叫

In the belly of the beast 在兽的肚子

You stood tall 你站在高高的

Didn't anybody tell you? 没人告诉你吗?

All empires must fall. 所有的帝国必须下降。


Feel the decadance 感觉decadance

Feel the decadance 感觉decadance

Feel the decadance 感觉decadance


Enough is never enough 够是远远不够的


Decadance Decadance

Decadance Decadance

Yeah, the decadance. 是的, decadance 。

歌词 Decadance 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/decadance/

歌词 Decadance 的作者与版权信息:


Mark Stewart


BMG Rights Management (Uk) Limited, BMG Rights Management (Uk) Ltd.