歌词 "Dead Ringer" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dead Ringer



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I never claimed to be something more than me, 我从来没有自称是更多的东西比我多,

Your standards, I refuse to see, 你的标准,我拒绝看,

I will answer only to myself, 我只回答自己,

So why don't you police someone else 那么,为什么你不警察别人


The place I call home isn't there anymore, 我称之为家的地方,是不存在了,

With boards on the windows and locks on the door, 与门上的窗户和锁板

So pick up the pieces that never once fit, 于是拿起那一次也没有适合的作品,

Let this be the end of it 让这一点成为它的结束


Once you held a place for me, 一旦你持有一个地方对我来说,

But now that I've left you went and gave up my seat, 但现在,我已经离开了你去了,放弃了我的座位,

Don't expect me to share your visions of life, 别指望我分享你的生活的愿景,

I'll take the my chances somewhere else 我会好好把握我的机会在别处


The place I call home isn't there anymore, 我称之为家的地方,是不存在了,

With boards on the windows and locks on the door, 与门上的窗户和锁板

So pick up the pieces that never once fit, 于是拿起那一次也没有适合的作品,

Let this be the end of it 让这一点成为它的结束


Give me the green light to get on with my life, 给我开绿灯,让我的生命,

Pick up the pieces then roll the fucking dice 收拾残局,然后滚他妈的骰子


I live in exile of you, your key no longer fits, 我住在你放逐,你的钥匙不再适合,

Because the locks on my life are new 因为在我生命中的锁是新的

歌词 Dead Ringer 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dead-ringer-1/

歌词 Dead Ringer 的作者与版权信息:


Todd Mohney, Brandon Barnes, Joseph Principe, Timothy Mcilrath


Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, Transistor Revolt