歌词 "Dead Carolina" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dead Carolina


歌词相关歌手:WEDNESDAY 13

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Trying to see through this death that i breath, 试图看透死亡,我的呼吸,

All these ghosts they are lost in front of me, 所有这些鬼魂,他们都失去了我的面前,

Lost in a trance, never had the chance, 失去了精神恍惚,从未有过的机会,

Now were forced to walk the dead's dance. 现在被迫走死者的舞蹈。


Everything is gray now, 现在一切都为灰色,

Ashes all across the floor, 所有在地板上灰烬,

And i'm just hoping that i find the key to unlock this door. 而我只是希望我找到解开这扇门的钥匙。


And you know that i'm trying, 而且你知道我想,

To make my way through the art of dying, 通过垂死的艺术让我的方式,

And i'm trying so hard to find ya, 我很努力地试图寻找你,

In this dead carolina. 在这死卡罗莱纳州。


Shadows they fall off the walls in the halls, 这些脱落的墙壁,在大厅的阴影,

And it lays out a path for the dead to walk, 它规定了对死者走的路径,

Nothing to say, we're all lost in our ways, 没什么可说的,我们都失去了我们的生活方式,

Now the dead and decayed march in this dark parade. 现在,在这黑暗的巡游死亡,腐烂的进行曲。


Everything is gray now, 现在一切都为灰色,

Ashes all across the floor, 所有在地板上灰烬,

And i'm just hoping that i find the key to unlock this door. 而我只是希望我找到解开这扇门的钥匙。


And you know that i'm trying, 而且你知道我想,

To make my way through the art of dying, 通过垂死的艺术让我的方式,

And i'm trying so hard to find ya, 我很努力地试图寻找你,

In this dead carolina. 在这死卡罗莱纳州。


D.E.A.D. Carolina. D.E.A.D.卡罗来纳州。

歌词 Dead Carolina 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dead-carolina/