歌词 "Dead Car Battery Blues" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dead Car Battery Blues



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

One, two, a-one, two, three, four 一,二中,一,二,三,四


Well I, can't go to the park 好吧,我不能去公园

I can't go to work 我不能去上班

I can't do nothin' 我不能这样做没什么

I gotta stay in my house like a jerk 我在家里得像个混蛋住宿


How come I always lose 为什么我总是输

My car has blown a fuse 我的车已经被烧断的保险丝

Oh yeah 哦耶

I got hydraulic fluid leakin' in my shoes 我在鞋了液压油leakin “

And the dead car battery blues 与死者的汽车电池蓝调


You know, can't visit my girlfriend 要知道,不能访问我的女朋友

I can't go to school 我不能去上学

I can't go anywhere 我不能去任何地方

Gotta stay in my room like a fool 我得留在我的房间就像一个傻瓜


'Cause I got grease in my hair 因为我在我的头发有油脂

My Belvedere's in disrepair 我Belvedere酒店的失修

Oh yeah 哦耶

I got hydraulic fluid leakin' in my shoes 我在鞋了液压油leakin “

And the dead car battery blues 与死者的汽车电池蓝调


So I, went to see my mechanic 所以,我,去看看我的机械师

He said, "Okay, now what is wrong" 他说:“好了,现在有什么不好”

I told him my car wouldn't start 我告诉他我的车发动不起来了

He said, "This shouldn't take very long" 他说, “这应该不会很长”


So he replaced all my plugs and my points 于是,他代替我所有的插头和我的观点

And he looked at my carburetor 他看着我的化油器

He took out my engine and turned it around 他拿出我的引擎和周围把它

And then seventeen hours later 然后17小时后


He looked at my headlights and said 他看着我的前大灯和说

"Son, how long have these things been on" “儿子,多久一直对这些事情”

I told him, "Oh, about three or four weeks" 我告诉他, “哦,大概三四个星期”

He said, "Buddy, I know what's wrong" 他说: “老弟,我知道什么是错的”

"But I hate to be the one to give you the news" “但我不想成为一个给你的消息”

"You got the dead car battery blues" “你有死车电池蓝调”


So now I, can't go to my office 所以现在我不能去我的办公室

Can't work on my job 可以在我的工作无法正常工作

I might as well lock myself up in my room 我还不如把自己锁在我的房间

And live my life like a slob 而我的生活就像一个大懒虫


How come I always lose 为什么我总是输

My Belvedere has blown a fuse 我的丽城烧断保险丝

Oh yeah 哦耶

I got hydraulic fluid leakin' in my shoes 我在鞋了液压油leakin “

And the dead car battery blues 与死者的汽车电池蓝调

歌词 Dead Car Battery Blues 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dead-car-battery-blues/

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