歌词 "Darling Harbour" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Darling Harbour



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

In the lighthouse by the sea, at the 33rd degree. 在灯塔在海边,在第33届学位。

You make me feel so special and free. 你让我觉得很特别和自由。

But there's something in the air turning stutters into stairs. 但是,有什么东西在转动断断续续到楼梯的空气。

I look into your blue eyes and say... 我看着你的蓝眼睛,说...


(Darling) Don't throw it all away. (亲爱的) ,不要把它全部带走。

(Darling) I'm here to make you stay with me. (亲爱的)我在这里让你留在我身边。


In the sun I look so pale, northern skin so thin and frail. 在阳光下我看起来那么苍白,北部使皮肤薄且脆弱。

But I try to close my eyes, when everything starts fading. 但我试着闭上双眼,当一切都开始褪色。

When I wake up from this dream shivering under cold sheets. 当我从这个梦想在冷薄板发抖醒来。

Ten thousand mile away, I wish I was on King street. 一万英里远,我想我是在国王街。


(Darling) Don't throw it all away. (亲爱的) ,不要把它全部带走。

(Darling) I'm here to make you stay with me. (亲爱的)我在这里让你留在我身边。


Newly risen how brightly you shine. 新兴的,你怎么明亮的光芒。

Something seems to give inside my heart when you're nearby. 事情似乎给里面我的心脏,当你在附近。

All I've given to you is faking eyes. 所有我给你的是伪造的眼睛。

I don't understand, I can't figure it out. I can't figure it. 我不明白,我也搞不清楚。我不知道它。


On a park bench by the street, at the 43rd degree. 在公园的长椅上由街道,在第43届学位。

I'll sit and watch the snow fall and think... 我会眼睁睁地看着窗外飘落的雪花,想...


If these walls could tell the tale and excuse to no avail. 如果这些墙壁会讲故事和借口都无济于事。

Will you ever begin to forgive me again, to forgive me now. 你永远不会开始再次原谅我,现在要原谅我。


(Darling) Don't throw it all away. (亲爱的) ,不要把它全部带走。

(Darling) I'm here to make you stay with me. (亲爱的)我在这里让你留在我身边。

Stay with me. 留在我身边。

歌词 Darling Harbour 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/darling-harbour/

歌词 Darling Harbour 的作者与版权信息:


Shane Told, Neil Boshart


Silverstein Music