歌词 "Dark Street" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dark Street



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

When will it stop raining? 什么时候会停止下雨吗?

When will these dark clouds go? 当将这些乌云去了?

Some days I get so low but you turn me around 有些日子,我得到这么低,但是你把我身边

You turn me around 你把我身边


Won't you come down to my dark street 你不下来我的黑暗的街道

And shine a light 'cause I need your sweet sunshine? 而沐浴在阳光之下,因为我需要你的甜蜜的阳光?

Won't you come down to my dark street 你不下来我的黑暗的街道

And shine a light 'cause I need your sweet sunshine? 而沐浴在阳光之下,因为我需要你的甜蜜的阳光?


You take away my sadness 你带走我的悲伤

And the pain inside my heart 而在我的心脏痛

Sometimes I fall apart but you turn me around 有时候我会崩溃,但你把我身边

You turn me around 你把我身边


Won't you come down to my dark street 你不下来我的黑暗的街道

And shine a light 'cause I need your sweet sunshine? 而沐浴在阳光之下,因为我需要你的甜蜜的阳光?

Won't you come down to my dark street 你不下来我的黑暗的街道

And shine a light 'cause I need your sweet sunshine, sunshine, yeah? 而沐浴在阳光之下,因为我需要你的甜蜜阳光,阳光,是吗?


Won't you come down to my dark street 你不下来我的黑暗的街道

And shine a light 'cause I need your sweet sunshine? 而沐浴在阳光之下,因为我需要你的甜蜜的阳光?

Won't you come down to my dark street 你不下来我的黑暗的街道

And shine a light 'cause I need your sweet sunshine? 而沐浴在阳光之下,因为我需要你的甜蜜的阳光?


Oh yeah, oh come on down, come on down 噢,噢,下来吧,下来吧

And never leave my sky again 永远不要再离开我的天空

Shine your love light, love light, love light, love light 照你的爱的光芒,爱的光芒,爱的光芒,爱的光芒

Down on me, down on me, yeah 压在我身上,压在我身上,是啊

歌词 Dark Street 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dark-street/

歌词 Dark Street 的作者与版权信息:


Miles Zuniga


Penny Farthing Music O.B.O. Zunitunes